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Can I delete the files in C:\users\my_user\AppData\Local\Android\



Can I delete the files in C:\users\my_user\AppData\Local\Android ? It's eatin up almost 70GB of disk space.

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Phil O Avatar asked Nov 02 '16 17:11

Phil O

People also ask

Can I delete C :\ Users AppData local?

The AppData folder is located at C:\users\YOURNAME, where YOURNAME is your Windows profile ID. Don't move or delete files from the AppData folder; doing so will corrupt the linked program.

Is it safe to delete android data folder?

These caches of data are essentially just junk files, and they can be safely deleted to free up storage space.

What folders can I delete from android?

You cannot use your mobile device to delete top-level or root folders. You can only delete sub-folders and individual files. To delete a top-level folder, you must use the SugarSync Web App or Desktop App. Note: When you permanently delete files or folders entirely, they are gone forever.

Can I delete android folder from Windows?

To delete all Android Studio settings files, go to your user folder in the file manager that is C:\Users\Your_UserName or you can simply search %USERPROFILE% in window start and press Enter to reach there. In this directory delete . android, .

1 Answers

I haven't used Google Andoid SDK in a year. I uninstalled it, then deleted the AppData\Android folder to free up 262GB. I can always reinstall the SDK later when I need it again.

like image 141
itchibahn Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 20:09
