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Can I define a function pointer pointing to an object of std::function type?





Something like the following:

#include <functional>

int main()
    std::function<int(int)> func = [](int x){return x;};
    int* Fptr(int) = &func; //error

The errors I get are

temp.cpp: In function ‘int main()’:
temp.cpp:6:15: warning: declaration of ‘int* Fptr(int)’ has ‘extern’ and is initialized
  int* Fptr(int) = &func; //error
temp.cpp:6:20: error: invalid pure specifier (only ‘= 0’ is allowed) before ‘func’
  int* Fptr(int) = &func; //error
temp.cpp:6:20: error: function ‘int* Fptr(int)’ is initialized like a variable

A more direct way to go from lambda function to function pointer would be useful to know as well.

like image 448
roro Avatar asked Mar 18 '16 07:03


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A pointer to a function points to the address of the executable code of the function. You can use pointers to call functions and to pass functions as arguments to other functions. You cannot perform pointer arithmetic on pointers to functions.

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1 Answers

int* Fptr(int)

declares a function "Fptr" that takes an int and returns int*.

A function pointer declaration looks like

int (*Fptr)(int)

Further,std::function<int(int)> is not the type of your lambda function, but your lambda function can be implicitly converted to that type.

Fortunately, a (non-capturing) lambda function can also be implicitly converted to a function pointer, so the most direct way from lambda function to function pointer is

int (*Fptr)(int) = [](int x){return x;};
like image 173
molbdnilo Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 23:10
