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Can I default a sql stored procedure parameter to a dynamic expression?

I want to have a "@myDate" parameter in a stored procedure that defaults to 2 years prior to today if nothing else is specified. I tried doing something like this in my procedure definition:

CREATE PROCEDURE myProcedure(   @param1 int,
                                @param2 varchar(20),
                                @param3 int = null,
                                @myDate datetime = dateadd(year,-2,getDate()) )

I'm getting the following syntax error:

Incorrect syntax near '('.

Does sql server allow you to set dynamic expressions as default parameter values? If not, how can I get around this (other than the clumsy IF @myDate is null SET @myDate=...)?

like image 880
froadie Avatar asked Mar 08 '11 08:03


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A procedure can have a maximum of 2100 parameters; each assigned a name, data type, and direction. Optionally, parameters can be assigned default values.

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You can use only a DDL COMMENT statement as dynamic SQL in a stored procedure. You cannot specify a DML COMMENT statement to fetch the comments for database objects, columns of a table, and parameters. A CREATE DATABASE or CREATE USER statement used as dynamic SQL in a stored procedure must contain the FROM clause.

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You can specify a default value for the parameters. Stored procedures can return a value to the calling program if the parameter is specified as OUTPUT. The parameter values must be a constant or a variable. It cannot be a function name.

2 Answers

You can't use an expression as default value, and there is no really elegant way of doing this.

You can use isnull or coalesce instead of the if statement:

set @myDate = isnull(@myDate, dateadd(year, -2, getdate()))
like image 65
Guffa Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 23:11



From the docs:

The default value must be a constant or it can be NULL

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The Scrum Meister Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 22:11

The Scrum Meister