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Can I create an iPython notebook using JavaScript as the language in the cells?

I love IPython to explain algorithms in python. But I want to do the same using javascript. Is it possible to write a notebook where I use javascript as the cell language?

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Michael_Scharf Avatar asked Jan 22 '15 01:01


1 Answers

You can use the %%javascript magic function for running javascript in IPython notebook. For example Paste the following code in a IPython cell and run it. You should see the output in your browser's javascript console.

console.log("Hello World!")

For global variables, you can add an attribute to the windows object for example, in a cell run the following code:

window.myvar = 12;

In another cell, run the following code and check browser's javascript console. The variable's value should be printed.


Use the element variable for printing in the cell output area as shown below:

like image 182
Amit Verma Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 10:11

Amit Verma