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Can I configure IntelliJ so it doesn't remember my last commit message?

When I commit changes in IntelliJ, the commit message is prepopulated with the commit message of my last commit. I sometimes then forget to update the message, and commit with incorrect commit messages. I'd rather it was empty so I'd get an error/warning if I forgot to enter one.

Another question deals with fixing corrupted settings. I'm trying to disable it altogether.

Can I configure IntelliJ to not remember my last commit message?

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adamdport Avatar asked Jul 28 '16 19:07


People also ask

How can I see last commit in IntelliJ?

IntelliJ IDEA lets you review the state of your project at a selected revision. Open the Git tool window Alt+9 and switch to the Log tab. Select a commit and choose Show Repository at Revision from the context menu.

How do I enable commit option in IntelliJ?

note. Starting from IntelliJ IDEA version 2020.1, you can switch to a non-modal commit interface: select the Use non-modal commit interface option (enabled by default for new installations) on the Version Control | Commit page of the IDE settings Ctrl+Alt+S .

3 Answers

File > Settings > Version Control > Commit Dialog > Clear initial commit message

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adamdport Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 20:10


I was having the same problem as you, forgetting to update the commit message. I created this plugin, it basically clears message after you successfully commit something. It doesn't delete the message if you close commit window without committing. Check it out, it might work for you.

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protector Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 19:10


For PhpStorm (Mac) it's in:

PhpStorm > Preferences > Version Control > Commit Dialog

Note: I googled 'disable phpstorm default commit message', and arrived here.

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Henry Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 20:10
