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Can I change the Application Developer field on Google's OAuth2 screen



On Google's OAuth2 screen, when it is asking for the set of permissions, there is a “Learn more” link. Screenshot

I would like the Application developer field to not show my email address, but rather my employer's website.

I know I could just create a generic email address, e.g. info@.... and have that be the application developer, but that is sub-optimal and involves creating a separate email address that could well require monitoring, etc...

Has anyone been able to control what gets displayed in this field?


Here is the create client id screen, enter image description here You will notice that the email address is not editable :-(

like image 896
Stephen Connolly Avatar asked Sep 21 '12 15:09

Stephen Connolly

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1 Answers

I believe the email address that is displayed has to be that of an Owner of the project, and that any Owner can log in and elect to be that contact.

If another Owner of the project logs in and sees that second screen (where for you it says you for them it would not), it should give them an option to elect to become the public contact email displayed in the access grant page.

like image 75
Jason Hall Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 17:10

Jason Hall