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Can I catch an event when application is uninstalled in React Native?



I need to send a notice to my server when the application is uninstalled. Is there a way to catch an event when a user uninstalls the app?

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kabijoy Avatar asked Jul 03 '18 14:07


People also ask

How do you know my app is uninstalled from the device?

Open the Google Play app on your Android phone or tablet, and tap on the menu button (the three lines that show up in the upper left corner). When the menu is revealed, tap on "My apps & games." Next, tap on the "All" button, and that's it: you'll be able to check all your apps & games, both uninstalled, and installed.

Can we track uninstalls?

Google Play Developer Console allows you to measure app uninstalls of your mobile app. To use this tool, you must first sign in to the Google Play Developer Console. Next, choose your app. You can monitor the number of app installations and apps for the control panel's desired date and period.

2 Answers

If you use firebase, you can use the 'app_remove' event listener. You can listen to it using firebase functions : https://firebase.google.com/docs/functions/analytics-events

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YosefBro Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 11:09


Yes you can there are many packages available to track uninstallation.

1.WEBENGAGE (It's not free)

  • You will be able to segment your users and engage with them in a contextual and personalized manner through various channels such as Push, In-app, SMS, On-site (Notifications, Survey, Feedback), Web Push and Email.

  • This will give you proper help you to track your users and help you take proper action to improve your growth.


  • It enables you to integrate app analytics and marketing

3.APPSFLYER (30 days free trial)

  • it is the world's leading mobile attribution & marketing analytics platform, helping app marketers around the world make better decisions.

Note: All the above platforms provide unintsall tracking, So choose according to your usecase.

4.Without Third Party Library

This you can achieve through Push Notification. You can save device token with user email_id. So now you can send notification to all the registered devices and can filter out those devices along with their email_ids which were failed to receive notification.

Hope this helps.

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Rajat Gupta Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 11:09

Rajat Gupta