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Can I call a method from a watch and mounted?

I have a functionality (getAllData which does an external data query) which I need to call at two occasions: when the component is mounted and when a prop changes.

I am however getting a TypeError: this.getAllData is not a function when using it in a watch and in mounted.

Since methods can be called from methods, I am wondering whether this is true for methods being called from components such as watch or mounted.

My (simplified) instance is below:

export default {
    props: ['triggerReload'],
    data: function () {
        return {
            // some variables
    watch: {
        triggerReload: this.getAllData()
    methods: {
        getAllData: function () {
            // this function correctly fetches external data
    mounted: this.getAllData()

My workaround will be to either duplicate the code of the function (which is not DRY) or to call an external function (defined outside the Vue instance - which is probably also an anti-pattern) EDIT: this is a component so I do not know how to call an external function and reference the instance (it is not instantiated by var vm = new Vue(...))

like image 784
WoJ Avatar asked Aug 07 '17 08:08


1 Answers

Yes you can, you just have the wrong syntax, you need (note the extra parenthesis):

mounted () {

which is just ES6 sugar for

mounted: function mounted () {

In your version you're binding mounted to this.getAllData when creating the object component, so this will refer to the current object, which does not have a getAllData method. You need to do it in a function instead so Vue can do its magic and bind this to the correct Vue component.

like image 171
Seb D. Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 06:10

Seb D.