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Can I cache $(window) and $(document) in jQuery?

I recently read some articles regarding jQuery performance, and I came up with some weird questions.

  • Can/Should I cache $(window)?

    If I did, would it affect resize, scroll, width, scrollTop...etc?

  • Can/Should I cache $(document)?

    As we use a lot of mouse actions, should I do var doc = $(document);?

  • Can I always cache $(this) in a big block of code?

    As for var self = $(this);, in what condition that self might be different from $(this)?

like image 748
user1643156 Avatar asked Feb 12 '13 16:02


People also ask

Should I cache jQuery?

In case you are not adding or removing DOM elements, you should always cache the results of your jQuery selectors.

How check page is loaded or not in jQuery?

Basically, the most reliable way to check if jQuery has been loaded is to check typeof jQuery — it will return "function" if jQuery was already loaded on the page, or "undefined" if jQuery hasn't been loaded yet.

Does browser cache jQuery?

By default most file will be cached however the duration of the caching depends on the header setting for the file. So yes it should be cached with a default setup.

How do you cache a variable in Javascript?

var stored = localStorage['myKey']; if (stored) myVar = JSON. parse(stored); else myVar = {a:'test', b: [1, 2, 3]}; Writing : localStorage['myKey'] = JSON.

2 Answers

All three questions: Yes You can!

Neccessery : no

Better performance: maybe

You could try and do a benchmark. But the reason for caching is not to search entire DOM for your selector. Looking up document and window isn't a problem because they are 2 root variables. Caching $(this) depends on situation. See my 2nd tip.

Always cache the parent object you run queries on:

var header = $('#header');
var menu = header.find('.menu');
// or
var menu = $('.menu', header);

It’s better to chain the jQuery methods than to cache the selectors:

$('li.menu-item').click(function () {alert('test click');})
                     .css('display', 'block')
                     .css('color', 'red')
                     fadeTo(2, 0.7);

Cache elements that you query often:

var header = $('#header');
var divs = header.find('div');
var forms = header.find('form');

A free extra performance tip:

Selectors fastes to slowest:

Id > Tag > classes
like image 195
Timmetje Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 06:10


  1. Yes, you can cache $(window), and it does help on performance.
    Someone already did a test in jsperf. http://jsperf.com/jquery-window-cache

    The test result is kind of messed up, but you can still "Run test" on your browser to see the difference.

  2. Yes, you can cache $(document) as well. I don't use $(document) much, but base on the test I made in jsperf (http://jsperf.com/document-vs-cache), caching $(document) do help on performance a bit too.

  3. And yes, you can cache $(this). But this one is different than the other cahces. As you already know, value of $(this) will change depend different situation. For example, if you use $(this) in mouse listener like this....

       var $this = $(this);

    $(this) will change when user click on the button with the class "button", and $("this") will become the object which clicked by user.

    Caching $(this) can help on performance if you use $(this) a lot inside the function. But remember that if you cache $(this) inside the function, the cache will become a local variable instead global, and will be destroy at the end of the function. So you won't able to use it outside the function.

like image 31
Asuka165 Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 07:10
