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Can I build multiple projects with dotnet build?



Can I somehow build multiple projects with one root project.json file (or otherwise)? For example, one library, one test project, and one command line? If so, how?

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vidstige Avatar asked Feb 06 '23 23:02


2 Answers

I may be one year late in answering, but may be it is still useful for somebody who lands here after this.

dotnet build no longer uses project.json, instead uses *.csproj. And dotnet build can now take a directory name as an argument, and uses the *.csproj within that directory for the build. This being the case, the easiest way to build from a top-level-directory goes like this:

Assuming the structure of your projects is:

  + -- proj1
  + -- proj2
  + -- proj3

Just go to the top-level directory (src in this case), and type this:

Get-ChildItem -exclude ".vscode" | %{Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkMagenta "Building $_..."; dotnet build $_;}

I normally use PowerShell within VSCode, and hence you see the -exclude ".vscode" and PowerShell commands Get-ChildItem (aliased also as simply 'dir') and Write-Host.

Hope this helps.

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arvindd Avatar answered Feb 23 '23 01:02


If all of your projects are stored in a structure like this :


then you can use a single command with a globbing pattern to build all of the projects at once:

dotnet build src/**/project.json

From what I am aware of, you'll still need individual project.json files for each project though.

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Brandon O'Dell Avatar answered Feb 23 '23 01:02

Brandon O'Dell