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Can I automatically create a table in PostgreSQL from a csv file with headers?




I'm running PostgreSQL 9.2.6 on OS X 10.6.8. I would like to import data from a CSV file with column headers into a database. I can do this with the COPY statement, but only if I first manually create a table with a column for each column in the CSV file. Is there any way to automatically create this table based on the headers in the CSV file?

Per this question I have tried

COPY test FROM '/path/to/test.csv' CSV HEADER;

But I just get this error:

ERROR: relation "test" does not exist

And if I first create a table with no columns:


I get:

ERROR: extra data after last expected column

I can't find anything in the PostgreSQL COPY documentation about automatically creating a table. Is there some other way to automatically create a table from a CSV file with headers?

like image 796
ihough Avatar asked Jan 09 '14 10:01


People also ask

Can CSV have headers?

From those guidelines and giving the lack of standardization, the header line is optional in a CSV file. When present, the header line must be the first line in the file and must contain the same number of fields as the records. Header and records lines must use the same field delimiters.

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1 Answers

There is a very good tool that imports tables into Postgres from a csv file. It is a command-line tool called pgfutter (with binaries for windows, linux, etc.). One of its big advantages is that it recognizes the attribute/column names as well.

The usage of the tool is simple. For example if you'd like to import myCSVfile.csv:

pgfutter --db "myDatabase" --port "5432" --user "postgres" --pw "mySecretPassword" csv myCSVfile.csv 

This will create a table (called myCSVfile) with the column names taken from the csv file's header. Additionally the data types will be identified from the existing data.

A few notes: The command pgfutter varies depending on the binary you use, e.g. it could be pgfutter_windows_amd64.exe (rename it if you intend to use this command frequently). The above command has to be executed in a command line window (e.g. in Windows run cmd and ensure pgfutter is accessible). If you'd like to have a different table name add --table "myTable"; to select a particular database schema us --schema "mySchema". In case you are accessing an external database use --host "myHostDomain".

A more elaborate example of pgfutter to import myFile into myTable is this one:

pgfutter --host "localhost" --port "5432" --db "myDB" --schema "public" --table "myTable" --user "postgres" --pw "myPwd" csv myFile.csv 

Most likely you will change a few data types (from text to numeric) after the import:

alter table myTable   alter column myColumn type numeric     using (trim(myColumn)::numeric) 
like image 100
Wolfi Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 12:10
