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Can I apply the MVC Design Pattern to Procedural PHP [closed]


People also ask

Is MVC a design pattern in PHP?

PHP MVC is an application design pattern that separates the application data and business logic (model) from the presentation (view). MVC stands for Model, View & Controller. The controller mediates between the models and views.

Can we use my SQL in an application when not following the MVC design pattern?

No. MVC is about separation pf concerns.

Should I use MVC in PHP?

MVC is mostly for better maintainability of your code. By separating the database logic from the presentational logic from the controller logic you can make changes/rewrites/maintence more easily.

I've been trying to find out if I can apply the MVC architecture to procedural and how I can go about implementing this into my code. From my understanding MVC basically represents the separation of the business logic, presentational layer and other logic although it always seems to be aimed at OO-PHP in particular.

Can you recommend the best way to approach MVC within a procedural context??
