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Can I add views to a scrollview without inflating/re-inflating layouts?

I would like to take an existing ScrollView with a view in it, and add more views, dynamically (at runtime) to the ScrollView container.

Is it possible to add these views without having to create a new layout and inflate it? If so, what's the general process for adding these views dynamically?

For the sake of this question, assume the views are TextView...


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Brad Hein Avatar asked Jan 13 '11 17:01

Brad Hein

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1 Answers

A ScrollView can only have one child, so it doesn't make sense to add more children to it directly. Lets say your ScrollView has a LinearLayout inside of it, then you can add more views to the LinearLayout:

LinearLayout layout = findViewById(R.id.my_linear_layout);
TextView textView = new TextView(this);
like image 199
Cheryl Simon Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 22:09

Cheryl Simon