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Can I add a prefix or suffix to the keys of a TypeScript interface/type which is programmatically generated?

I am wondering, if it is possible to to add a prefix or suffix to a TypeScript type which uses an array of strings as its keys.

type First = {
  one: string
  two: string

type Second = keyof First 

type Third = {
  [S in Second]: any

With this approach Third accepts the attributes one & two with any type. Which is amazing, as I only need to change the first type in order to have the others also updated.

Now I want a fourth type which is exactly the same as Third but I want to add a prefix to the keys. Like a dollar sign or something.

Desired result:

type Fourth = {
  $one: any
  $two: any

I could just hard code it but than I would have to adjust the Fourth type if the First type has been changed.

Thank you.

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denizkberlin Avatar asked Jan 20 '21 15:01


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1 Answers

TS 4.1 has support for easy key remapping using template literal types:

type First = {
  one: string
  two: string

type Fourth = {
    [K in keyof First as `$${K}`]: any

If you wanted to use the original type associated with each key instead of any (if you're using TS, you should want to avoid any when possible, after all!), replace

: any


: First[K]
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CertainPerformance Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 04:11
