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Can i access outer class objects in inner class [duplicate]


I have three classes like this.

class A {     public class innerB        {        //Do something        }      public class innerC        {         //trying to access objB here directly or indirectly over here.          //I dont have to create an object of innerB, but to access the object created by A         //i.e.              innerB objInnerB = objB;         //not like this              innerB objInnerB= new innerB();        }  private innerB objB{get;set;}  **//Private**  public A()    {     objB= new innerB();    } } 

I want to access the object of class B in Class C that is created by class A. Is it possible somehow to make changes on object of Class A in Class C. Can i get Class A's object by creating event or anyhow.

Edit: My mistake in asking the question above. Object of B created in A is private not public


If anyhow I become able to raise an event that can be handled by Class A, then my problem can be solved.

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Shantanu Gupta Avatar asked Jun 02 '10 13:06

Shantanu Gupta

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2 Answers

You need to pass a reference of OuterClass to InnerClass, perhaps in the constructor, like:

public class OuterClass {     //OuterClass methods      public class InnerClass     {         private OuterClass _outer;          public InnerClass(OuterClass outer)         {             _outer = outer;         }     } } 

Then you can use that reference in all of your InnerClass methods.

like image 28
dlras2 Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 23:11


If I'm reading you correctly you want to access the objB property of class A within innerC WITHOUT passing it along.

This isn't how C# inner classes work, as described in this article: C# nested classes are like C++ nested classes, not Java inner classes

If you want to access A.objB from innerC then you are going to have to somehow pass class A to innerC.

like image 135
Andrew Anderson Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 21:11

Andrew Anderson