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Can gitweb RSS feed show tags as well?


I use the gitweb RSS feed a lot for my remote repositories but it only shows me commits.

Is there a way to get creation of tag objects into the feed as well?

(I'm currently using for the remote repositories.)


like image 910
Steve Folly Avatar asked Oct 31 '09 14:10

Steve Folly

1 Answers

Not as it is now. Gitweb's feed (RSS and Atom) are just showing the history (log) of a given branch (default HEAD, i.e. current branch). You can sort tags by name using version sort, or by tagger date, but inherently tag doesn't have pointer to previous tag like commit has.

Still, you have sources, so you can extend gitweb (and hopefully provide patches to git mailing list, git@vger.kernel.org).

like image 199
Jakub Narębski Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 05:09

Jakub Narębski