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Can git tell me if a merge will conflict without actually merging? [duplicate]




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How do you check if there will be merge conflicts git?

To see the beginning of the merge conflict in your file, search the file for the conflict marker <<<<<<< . When you open the file in your text editor, you'll see the changes from the HEAD or base branch after the line <<<<<<< HEAD .

How do you know if a merge conflict is resolved?

If you are able to complete the merge the conflicts must have been resolved. Once you add and commit a merge, you're telling Git that there are no more changes you need to make. If you miss something, then that's your problem. Fix it and recommit or --amend your merge commit.

Does GitHub show merge conflicts?

You must resolve all merge conflicts before you can merge a pull request on GitHub. If you have a merge conflict between the compare branch and base branch in your pull request, you can view a list of the files with conflicting changes above the Merge pull request button.

What happens if you get a conflict during a merge?

A merge conflict is an event that occurs when Git is unable to automatically resolve differences in code between two commits. When all the changes in the code occur on different lines or in different files, Git will successfully merge commits without your help.

As noted previously, pass in the --no-commit flag, but to avoid a fast-forward commit, also pass in --no-ff, like so:

$ git merge --no-commit --no-ff $BRANCH

To examine the staged changes:

$ git diff --cached

And you can undo the merge, even if it is a fast-forward merge:

$ git merge --abort

I just had to implement a method that automatically finds conflicts between a repository and its remote. This solution does the merge in memory so it won't touch the index, nor the working tree. I think this is the safest possible way you can solve this problem. Here's how it works:

  1. Fetch the remote to your repository. For example: git fetch origin master
  2. Run git merge-base: git merge-base FETCH_HEAD master
  3. Run git merge-tree: git merge-tree mergebase master FETCH_HEAD (mergebase is the hexadecimal id that merge-base printed in the previous step)

Now suppose that you want to merge the remote master with your local master, but you can use any branches. git merge-tree will execute the merge in memory and print the result to the standard output. Grep for the pattern << or >>. Or you can print the output to a file and check that. If you find a line starting with 'changed in both' then most probably there will be a conflict.

I'm assuming you just want to find out how much trouble you're getting yourself into prior to actually attempting the merge...and resetting to the last commit after a failed merge is relatively easy so I wouldn't be surprised if that is the intended approach.

That said, if you really don't want to touch your existing files in the working tree - you could create a patch and test it against the target branch. This also has the benefit of showing exactly what changes were made to which files - just open up the patch file in a text editor.

git checkout -b mycrazybranch
[change some stuff...]
git add .
git commit -m "changed some stuff"
git format-patch master --stdout > crazy.patch
git checkout master
git apply crazy.patch --check
[all good! cleanup...]
rm crazy.patch

As you can see, this will create a patch file, you can then test it with --check and see if there are any errors, then remove the patch file.

You can do git merge --abort after seeing that there are conflicts.

As a summary of existed answers, there are two way to check if there would be merge conflicts

git format-patch $(git merge-base branch1 branch2)..branch2 --stdout | git apply --3way --check -

Note, your current branch should be branch1 when you run above command

Another way:

git merge --no-commit branch2
# check the return code here
git merge --abort

My simple brute-force solution to this is:

  1. Create a "pre-master" branch (from master of course)

  2. Merge all the things you want to into this pre-master.
    Then you can see how the merging happened without touching master.

    • Merge pre-master into master OR
    • Merge all wannabe-released branches into master

Anyway, I would follow @orange80's advice.