I'm using the Pages feature of GitHub. This works by putting the published HTML in a branch called gh-pages
. I have two separate working directories, one for the project itself and one for the HTML docs.
In the former, I want to completely ignore the gh-pages
branch, as it's an unrelated line of work and I don't want it to clutter up my various commit visualizations.
That is, what I have is:
$ git remote show origin
* remote origin
Fetch URL: git@github.com:reidpr/quac.git
Push URL: git@github.com:reidpr/quac.git
HEAD branch: master
Remote branches:
bar tracked
foo tracked
gh-pages tracked
master tracked
Local branches configured for 'git pull':
master merges with remote master
Local refs configured for 'git push':
master pushes to master (up to date)
and what I want is something like:
$ git remote show origin
Remote branches:
bar tracked
foo tracked
gh-pages ignored
master tracked
Note there are several branches that I do want to track, and just one that I don't. I want to specify the latter, not the former.
I can delete the local references to origin/gh-pages
, but then it comes back next time I git fetch
Delete a branch with git branch -d <branch> . The -d option will delete the branch only if it has already been pushed and merged with the remote branch. Use -D instead if you want to force the branch to be deleted, even if it hasn't been pushed or merged yet. The branch is now deleted locally.
git fetch --prune is the best utility for cleaning outdated branches. It will connect to a shared remote repository remote and fetch all remote branch refs. It will then delete remote refs that are no longer in use on the remote repository.
git fetch --all and git pull -all will only track the remote branches and track local branches that track remote branches respectively. Run this command only if there are remote branches on the server which are untracked by your local branches. Thus, you can fetch all git branches.
The short answer is simple: no, the remote-tracking branch remains unaffected.
Since git 2.29, released in october 2020, you can leverage negative refspec to exclude a specific branch to be fetched.
For GitHub Pages, you can do it like so:
git config --add remote.origin.fetch '^refs/heads/gh-pages'
And Dependabot:
git config --add remote.origin.fetch '^refs/heads/dependabot/*'
You can read more about it on https://github.blog/2020-10-19-git-2-29-released/#user-content-negative-refspecs
You can modify the .gitconfig, so it tells git
to fetch only what you just want:
fetch = +refs/heads/mybranch:refs/remotes/origin/mybranch
Also, you can create an alias for the fetch which fetches what you want:
git fetch origin +refs/heads/mybranch:refs/remotes/origin/mybranch
The creation of an alias is as simple as adding the new alias in .gitconfig:
myfetch= git fetch origin +refs/heads/mybranch:refs/remotes/origin/mybranch
You can specify more branches of course:
git fetch origin +refs/heads/master:refs/remotes/origin/master +refs/heads/develop:refs/remotes/origin/develop
I just hit the same problem. I was interested in one branch from 'bob', but he had many branches cluttering up my git branch -a
I did this:
rm .git/refs/remotes/bob/{next,master,maint}
and the branches were gone. A git fetch might restore them though, but I don't intend to fetch from bob regularly.
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