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Can Firestore Scale

Can the new Firestore service scale? I know it's in beta. I'm looking for some live examples of Firestore Scaling.

In terms of:

  • Number of database transactions.
  • Size of database.

Also - Does firebase have some auto scaling policy. Can Firebase itself scales in terms of:

  • Number of users (using the OAuth)

Does anyone have some Firebase scaling example and could share.

like image 694
Gal Bracha Avatar asked Oct 22 '17 16:10

Gal Bracha

People also ask

Is Firebase good for scaling?

Firebase is built for performance and scalability. As and when there is a change in data, Firebase helps in the calculation of the minimum set of updates needed to keep all your clients synchronized.

Is firestore good for large database?

Firestore is Very Scaleable Without getting too technical, Firestore bakes in a lot of best practices when it comes to running a scalable database so developers don't have to. Since Firestore is backed by Google Cloud Platform, you can rest assured that your database can scale to meet your needs.

When should you not use firestore?

If you have a very time-sensitive app, like online auctions where you can't have unpredictable delays (no one likes to lose because of something that we don't control), you shouldn't really use Firestore.

Is Firebase good for large scale apps?

No, for enterprise-grade application, firebase is not a good choice and not scalable as well. Firebase is good choice till it's not your primary database and you use it for the limited purpose where it shines.

Should you model your data for FireStore?

When modeling your data for Firestore, if you include an array type field that grows continually, without some known upper limit, it’s very possible that your app could run into scaling problems. For example, imagine you want to store a list of IDs of followers for each user in your social networking app.

What is the write frequency of Firestore?

Document write frequency limit of 1 per second If your app isn’t ready for it, Firestore’s limits on writes and transactions are could throw a wrench in its ability to scale under load. The maximum sustained write rate to a document is 1 per second.

How does Cloud Firestore work with offline devices?

Cloud Firestore caches data that your app is actively using, so the app can write, read, listen to, and query data even if the device is offline. When the device comes back online, Cloud Firestore synchronizes any local changes back to Cloud Firestore.

What is Cloud Firestore's NoSQL data model?

Following Cloud Firestore's NoSQL data model, you store data in documents that contain fields mapping to values. These documents are stored in collections, which are containers for your documents that you can use to organize your data and build queries.

1 Answers

firebaser here

The first line on the main documentation page for Cloud Firestore:

Use our flexible, scalable NoSQL cloud database to store and sync data for client- and server-side development.

A bit lower in key capabilities:

Designed to scale

Cloud Firestore brings you the best of Google Cloud Platform's powerful infrastructure: automatic multi-region data replication, strong consistency guarantees, atomic batch operations, and real transaction support. We've designed Cloud Firestore to handle the toughest database workloads from the world's biggest apps.

That tells you that the folks that created Cloud Firestore thinks that scalability is one of its key features. Give that these are the same folks that worked on many of Google Cloud Platform's features, I tend to believe them on that front. :-)

There were also some earlier questions that may be relevant:

  • What's the difference between Cloud Firestore and the Firebase Realtime Database?

Designed to Scale -- Cloud Firestore will be able to scale better than the Realtime Database. It's important to note that your queries scale to the size of your result set, not your data set. So searching will remain fast no matter how large your data set might become.

  • Queries scale with the size of your result set, not the size of your data set

Just keep in mind that Cloud Firestore is still in beta and will be slower (but scale better) than Firebase's realtime database:

  • Firestore slow performance issue on getting data
like image 90
Frank van Puffelen Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 09:11

Frank van Puffelen