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Can Entity Framework 6 be used in a .NET Standard project?

And if not, will it be? If so, when?

I haven't been able to find any clear official information on this, and the limited information I was able to find on Stack Overflow is a year or two old.

I was able to find official information saying EF 6.3 will be able to be used in a .NET Core project, but I couldn't find a release date for it, nor am I sure what the implications for use in a .NET Standard project are.

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NetherGranite Avatar asked Oct 14 '19 16:10


2 Answers

Some clarification, since EntityFramework 6.3.0 .NET Standard 2.1 has been supported. However there is no .NET Framework version that supports .NET Standard 2.1. Comment from Microsoft:

NET Framework won't support .NET Standard 2.1 or later versions. For more details, see the announcement of .NET Standard 2.1.

This means that a majority of all applications using EntityFramework 6.X won't be able to use the .NET Standard 2.1 project anyway.



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Ogglas Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 01:10


EF 6 supports .NET Standard 2.1, which is currently supported by .NET Core 3.0 or later - no .NET Framework version. EF 6 also supports .NET 4.0 and 4.5 or later.


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ErikEJ Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 00:10
