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Can cout throw an exception?





  • cout is an instance of type "ostream"
  • ostream::operator<< says that

    If the operation sets an internal state flag that was registered with
    member exceptions, the function throws an exception of member type failure.

This indicates to me that cout can throw an exception. Is this true? What kind of scenario could force this?

like image 963
DeepDeadpool Avatar asked Jun 22 '18 01:06


People also ask

Can you throw exceptions in C++?

An exception in C++ is thrown by using the throw keyword from inside the try block. The throw keyword allows the programmer to define custom exceptions. Exception handlers in C++ are declared with the catch keyword, which is placed immediately after the try block.

Can constructor throw exception in C++?

When throwing an exception in a constructor, the memory for the object itself has already been allocated by the time the constructor is called. So, the compiler will automatically deallocate the memory occupied by the object after the exception is thrown.

Can you throw an exception at any point?

Any code can throw an exception: your code, code from a package written by someone else such as the packages that come with the Java platform, or the Java runtime environment. Regardless of what throws the exception, it's always thrown with the throw statement.

Is throwing exception costly?

Since throwing and handling exceptions is expensive, we shouldn't use it for normal program flows. Instead, as its name implies, exceptions should only be used for exceptional cases.

1 Answers

Yes, but practically nobody ever calls cout.exceptions(iostate) to enable that.

Edit to expound:

std::ios_base is an abstract class that provides basic utility functions for all streams. std::basic_ios<CharT, Traits> is an abstract subclass thereof, adding more utility functions (and it in turn has further subclasses, leading down to the classes people actually instantiate).

std::ios_base::iostate is a bitmask type, consisting of the following bits, with may be ored:

badbit (used for weird underlying errors)
eofbit (used after you hit EOF)
failbit (the normal error for badly-formatted input)

Additionally, iostate::goodbit is equivalent to iostate() (basically a 0).

Normally, when you perform I/O, you check the boolean value of the stream to see if an error occurred, after every input operation, e.g. if (cin >> val) { cout << val; } ... for output, it's okay to simply emit a bunch and only check success at the end (or for cout, to not check at all).

However, some people prefer exceptions, so each individual stream can be configured to turn some of those return values into exceptions:

std::ios_base::iostate exceptions() const;
void exceptions(std::ios_base::iostate except);

This is rarely done in C++, since we don't mindlessly worship exceptions like adherents of some other languages. In particular, "something went wrong with I/O" is a usual case, so it doesn't make sense to contort control flow.

An example:

$ cat cout.cpp
#include <iostream>

int main()

    std::cout << "error if written to a pipe" << std::endl;
$ sh -c 'trap "" PIPE; ./cout | true'
vvv 2018-06-21 23:33:13-0700
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::ios_base::failure[abi:cxx11]'
  what():  basic_ios::clear: iostream error

(Note that, on Unix systems, you have to ignore SIGPIPE in order for the program to even have a chance to handle such errors, since for many programs, simply exiting is the right thing to do - this is generally what allows head to work)

like image 66
o11c Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 03:09
