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Can build, but can't run C code in netbeans (but it works in command line)




when I try Building the .exe of my code in C inside NB it makes it successful, but when I try to run it inside the program I always get this error:

Unable to start pty process: 
RUN FAILED (exit value -2, total time: 31ms)

But when I go inside the Run proprieties of the project and set the "Console Type" parameter to "External Terminal" it runs in the command line OK.

Any idea about what it could be? I am working with cygwin.

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Ramon Blanquer Avatar asked Aug 05 '13 01:08

Ramon Blanquer

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1 Answers

I fixed the problem going to Properties Project -> Run -> Console Type -> External Terminal. In this way you can compile using Netbeans.

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Mazzy Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 15:09
