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Can autolayout layout this (diagram attached) automatically?

To support both portrait and horizontal for an UIView like this:

  | +---------------+ |
  | |               | |
  | |     Fixed     | |
  | |      size     | |
  | |     Square    | |
  | |               | |
  | +---------------+ |   Protrait
  | +---------------+ |
  | |   Flexible C  | |
  | +---------------+ |
  | +---+       +---+ |
  | | A |       | B | |
  | +---+       +---+ |

  | +---------------+ +------------+ |
  | |               | |  Flexible  | |
  | |    Fixed      | |     C      | |
  | |     size      | +------------+ |
  | |    Square     | +---+    +---+ |
  | |               | | A |    | B | |
  | +---------------+ +---+    +---+ |

Do I need to manually re-position the sub-views in willRotateToInterfaceOrientation? Or can Autolayout do it automatically for me?

  • B is a button always stays at lower right
  • A is a button positioned relatively to B (preferably align to left side of C)
  • C is for text, size is flexible
  • A and B is below C
like image 448
ohho Avatar asked Jul 31 '13 02:07


1 Answers

In this case you should be able to get most of the layout work done automatically, but with a couple slight adjustments upon rotation.

What I would suggest is to contain views A, B, and C in another UIView. That way, the orientation-dependent layout is separate from the flexibly-sized layout. It also makes the layout a lot simpler to code!

Then you lay out the square view and the container view somewhat like this:

squareView.width == squareView.height

Notice that the square view is always aligned with the left and top of the superview, while the container view is aligned with the bottom and right. For a portrait orientation, you would add these constraints:


And for a landscape orientation, you would invert those constraints:


That's just for the overall layout, so the flexible sizing of the container view's subviews is up to you. Hope this helps!

like image 94
architectpianist Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 01:10
