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Can anyone tell me what 'fb:admins' could not be parsed as type 'fbid' means?

I am doing my best to set up open graph on my website.

It's all working ok and looking good on Facebook, but I'm getting this error message on my site:

Object at URL 'http://www.thesocialnetworkingacademy.com' of type 'website' is invalid because the given value '159229554128788' for property 'fb:admins' could not be parsed as type 'fbid'.

Can anyone tell me in fairly basic terms what I need to do to fix that?

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Jo Barnes Avatar asked Sep 27 '11 09:09

Jo Barnes

1 Answers

Your ID looks like a page ID rather than an admin ID. You need to supply the user ID of one or more admins for this page, or switch to an fb:app_id instead of an fb:admin meta tag.

If you wish to stick with the fb:admin approach you can enter your Facebook username rather than the numeric ID, which is probably easier to debug and manage, you can find your user name on your profile page in the page URL eg if your page is facebook.com/johndoe then your username is johndoe. If you want to get your numeric ID for any reason you can find it by visiting: http://graph.facebook.com/johndoe

You can then check that this is all working by using the Facebook debugger to test your site: http://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug

Using the debugger is the best way to test it - Facebook will take ages to update it's cache of your pages, so you won't see the results of any changes you make for days otherwise.

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benz001 Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 00:10
