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Can anyone recommend a beginning Ruby on Rails tutorial that doesn't rely on scaffolding? [closed]

I've just started learning Ruby on Rails, and all the tutorials and books I've used rely on scaffolding to get started. I've written two simple apps but I still can't figure out how to independently write a database-driven app without using scaffolding, and yet from what I've read online most professional Rails developers don't use it. Are there any tutorials that would help a newbie create their first app without scaffolding?

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user416625 Avatar asked Nov 21 '10 22:11


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Does anyone use Ruby on Rails anymore?

Ruby's and Ruby on Rails' Overall Popularity Although way behind main contenders, such as PHP or Python, Ruby still makes the cut for the 20 most popular programming languages list in 2022. The 2022 edition of Stack Overflow Annual Developer Survey also places RoR in a similar spot.

What is replacing Ruby on Rails?

It is now increasingly being replaced by other technologies like Node. js code, Python code, and Golang code. The death of Ruby on Rails code has been predicted for over a decade however it keeps on going and growing. The reasons are many, but the major one is that it's an easy-to-use code languages and framework.

Why is Rails declining Ruby?

Reason for Ruby on Rails Declining One reason is that the language is not as popular as it used to be. Additionally, the language has been losing steam in the open-source community. Another reason for RoR declining is that there are newer, more modern frameworks that are gaining popularity. For example, Node.

Is Ruby on Rails good for startups?

For many startups, that answer has always been –and continues to be– Ruby on Rails. Ruby is the flexible programming language built to keep programmers happy and Rails is the framework that helps Ruby come alive in application development. As the old adage goes, Ruby on Rails gets you 90% of the way in 10% of the time.

Why do startups use Ruby on Rails?

Ruby on Rails is not only time-efficient but also a cost-effective way to develop applications. With startups needing to save costs while still keeping quality high, Ruby on rails development provides the perfect balance of both!

1 Answers

This one http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/ruby/the-intro-to-rails-screencast-i-wish-i-had/ is pretty good and helpful.

"Rails 3 in Action" is a good resource (I've even bought it ;)), one thing I hate about it is a sort of enforced usage of Cucumber.

Cucumber is a great tool, worth mentioning, but it is used all over the book and it clutters the narrative terribly. I would like to have Cucumber-free version of the book and I belive that most beginners would prefer the same.

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Piotr Kochański Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 04:09

Piotr Kochański