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Can an "if (a == b || c == b)" statement be done shorter in Ruby



I have a piece of code in Ruby which goes as follows:

def check
  if a == b || c == b
  # execute some code
  # b = the same variable

can this be written like

def check
  if a || c == b
  # this doesn't do the trick
  if (a || c) == b
  # this also doesn't do the magic as I thought it would

Or in a manner where I don't need to type b twice. This is out of laziness and I would like to know.

like image 839
Biketire Avatar asked May 16 '13 10:05


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1 Answers

if [a, c].include? b
  # code

This is, however, significantly slower than the code you want to avoid -- at least as long as a, b and c are basic data. My measurements showed a factor of 3. This is probably due to the additional Array object creation. So you might have to weigh DRY against performance here. Normally it should not matter, though, because both variants do not take long.

like image 108
undur_gongor Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 13:09
