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Can a single Spring's KafkaConsumer listener listens to multiple topic?

Anyone know if a single listener can listens to multiple topic like below? I know just "topic1" works, what if I want to add additional topics? Can you please show example for both below? Thanks for the help!

@KafkaListener(topics = "topic1,topic2")
public void listen(ConsumerRecord<?, ?> record, Acknowledgment ack) {


ContainerProperties containerProps = new ContainerProperties(new TopicPartitionInitialOffset("topic1, topic2", 0));
like image 519
R.C Avatar asked Jan 25 '17 20:01


People also ask

Can Kafka consumer listen to multiple topics?

Yes, Kafka's design allows consumers from one consumer group to consume messages from multiple topics.

Can a consumer group read from multiple topics?

Multi-Topic Consumers We may have a consumer group that listens to multiple topics. If they have the same key-partitioning scheme and number of partitions across two topics, we can join data across the two topics.

How do you set multiple consumers in Kafka?

You can't have multiple consumers that belong to the same group in one thread and you can't have multiple threads safely use the same consumer. One consumer per thread is the rule. To run multiple consumers in the same group in one application, you will need to run each in its own thread.

What is Kafka listener concurrency?

In general, concurrency is the ability to perform parallel processing with no affect on the end result. In Kafka, the parallel consumption of messages is achieved through consumer groups where individual consumers read from a given topic/partitions in parallel.

1 Answers

Yes, just follow the @KafkaListener JavaDocs:

 * The topics for this listener.
 * The entries can be 'topic name', 'property-placeholder keys' or 'expressions'.
 * Expression must be resolved to the topic name.
 * Mutually exclusive with {@link #topicPattern()} and {@link #topicPartitions()}.
 * @return the topic names or expressions (SpEL) to listen to.
String[] topics() default {};

 * The topic pattern for this listener.
 * The entries can be 'topic name', 'property-placeholder keys' or 'expressions'.
 * Expression must be resolved to the topic pattern.
 * Mutually exclusive with {@link #topics()} and {@link #topicPartitions()}.
 * @return the topic pattern or expression (SpEL).
String topicPattern() default "";

 * The topicPartitions for this listener.
 * Mutually exclusive with {@link #topicPattern()} and {@link #topics()}.
 * @return the topic names or expressions (SpEL) to listen to.
TopicPartition[] topicPartitions() default {};

So, your use-case should be like:

@KafkaListener(topics = {"topic1" , "topic2"})
like image 189
Artem Bilan Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 22:09

Artem Bilan