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Can a Parameterized Hudson Build Override the svn revision?




I'd like to setup the ability to rebuild from a specific revision. The default would be HEAD and a user could rebuild an old build (that had been removed). I'd still like to leverage all of hudson's reporting regarding SVN etc.

Is there a good way to do this?

like image 545
Peter Kahn Avatar asked Jan 23 '23 21:01

Peter Kahn

1 Answers

What I would try. Unfortunately I don't have the time to verify my approach.

A quick way would be to use an parameter and leave a blank if you want to go to head. To check out an older revision, enter "@" plus the revision number as the value for the parameter.

You than just need to add the parameter to the URL for your subversion checkout. I am not sure about the correct syntax. I suspect it is something like ${Parameter_Name}.

Let us know if this works.

like image 134
Peter Schuetze Avatar answered Jan 30 '23 13:01

Peter Schuetze