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Can a parallel pool be started asynchronously?

When a MATLAB parallel pool is started for the first time it typically takes a few seconds. In a user-interactive application there is hence an incentive to make sure there is a parallel pool running before the first demand for computational tasks arrives, so the process of starting a parallel pool isn't added to the total time to respond to the request.

However every programmatic action such as parpool that I've seen that will start a parallel pool blocks execution until the pool is done starting up. This means even if the user has no need to call upon the parallel pool for some time, they cannot do anything else like begin setting up their computationally expensive request – filling in a user interface for instance – until the parallel pool is done starting.

This is very frustrating! If it was any other time-consuming preparatory action, once a parallel pool was in place it could be done in the background using parfeval and wouldn't obstruct the user's workflow until any request that actually called upon the completion of that preparation. But because this task actually addresses the lack of a running parallel pool, it seems users must wait for something they may not actually need to use until long after the task is complete.

Is there any way around this apparent limitation on usability?

like image 747
Will Avatar asked Oct 26 '20 16:10


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1 Answers

There is currently no way to launch a parallel pool in the background. There are a couple of potential mitigations that might help:

  1. Don't ever explicitly call parpool - just let the auto-creation of the pool only start creating the pool when you hit a parallel language construct such as parfor, parfeval, or spmd.
  2. If you're using a cluster which might not be able to service your request for workers for some time, you could use batch to launch the whole computation in the background. (This is probably only appropriate if you've got a fairly long-running computation).
like image 162
Edric Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 07:10
