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CameraX - I/zygote: Rejecting re-init on previously-failed class java.lang.Class<androidx.core.view.ViewCompat$2>


I am developing a simple app based on the CameraX Jetpack support library through the provided getting started guide and a GitHub repo. Getting the error

I/zygote: Rejecting re-init on previously-failed class java.lang.Class<androidx.core.view.ViewCompat$2>:  java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: Landroid/view/View$OnUnhandledKeyEventListener; 

when I set the layout of the sample activity (CameraActivity). Tested the sample code on both the virtual and real devices on API level 26. The version of the CameraX library is 1.0.0-alpha03 which is the latest available version.

Here is the code of my layout:

<TextureView     android:id="@+id/textureView"     android:layout_width="match_parent"     android:layout_height="match_parent"     app:layout_constraintBottom_toBottomOf="parent"     app:layout_constraintEnd_toEndOf="parent"     app:layout_constraintStart_toStartOf="parent"     app:layout_constraintTop_toTopOf="parent" />  <ImageButton     android:id="@+id/btnCapture"     android:layout_width="72dp"     android:layout_height="72dp"     android:scaleType="fitCenter"     android:layout_margin="24dp"     app:layout_constraintBottom_toBottomOf="parent"     app:layout_constraintEnd_toEndOf="parent"     app:layout_constraintStart_toStartOf="parent"     app:srcCompat="@drawable/ic_camera_accent"     android:background="?selectableItemBackgroundBorderless" /> 

Here is the code of my activity:

public class CameraActivity extends AppCompatActivity {      private TextureView textureView;     private ImageButton btnCapture;      private int REQUEST_CODE_CAMERA_WRITE_EXT = 10;      @Override     protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {         super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);         setContentView(R.layout.activity_camera); // this line throws the error          initComponents();         checkPermissions();     }      private void initComponents() {         textureView = findViewById(R.id.textureView);         btnCapture = findViewById(R.id.btnCapture);     }      private void checkPermissions() {         final String permissionCamera = Manifest.permission.CAMERA;         final String permissionWriteExtStorage = Manifest.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE;         boolean isPermissionGranted = PermissionUtil.checkForPermission(this, permissionCamera);         if (!isPermissionGranted) {             boolean rationale = ActivityCompat.shouldShowRequestPermissionRationale(                     CameraActivity.this, permissionCamera);             if (rationale) {                 AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(CameraActivity.this);                 builder.setTitle("Camera Permission");                 builder.setMessage("In order to take the photo of your vein, you need to grant camera permission.");                 builder.setIcon(R.drawable.ic_info_accent);                  builder.setPositiveButton("OK", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {                     @Override                     public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {                         ActivityCompat.requestPermissions(CameraActivity.this, new String[]{permissionCamera, permissionWriteExtStorage}, REQUEST_CODE_CAMERA_WRITE_EXT);                     }                 });                  AlertDialog alertDialog = builder.create();                 alertDialog.show();             } else                 ActivityCompat.requestPermissions(CameraActivity.this, new String[]{permissionCamera, permissionWriteExtStorage}, REQUEST_CODE_CAMERA_WRITE_EXT);         } else             startCamera();     }       @Override     public void onRequestPermissionsResult(int requestCode, @NonNull String[] permissions, @NonNull int[] grantResults) {         if (requestCode == REQUEST_CODE_CAMERA_WRITE_EXT) {             if (grantResults.length > 0 && grantResults[0] == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED && grantResults[1] == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {                 startCamera();             }         }         super.onRequestPermissionsResult(requestCode, permissions, grantResults);     }      private void startCamera() {         CameraX.unbindAll();          int aspRatioW = textureView.getWidth(); //get width of screen         int aspRatioH = textureView.getHeight(); //get height         Rational asp = new Rational(aspRatioW, aspRatioH); //aspect ratio         Size screen = new Size(aspRatioW, aspRatioH); //size of the screen          PreviewConfig pConfig = new PreviewConfig.Builder().setTargetAspectRatio(asp).setTargetResolution(screen).build();         Preview preview = new Preview(pConfig); //lets build it          preview.setOnPreviewOutputUpdateListener(                 new Preview.OnPreviewOutputUpdateListener() {                     //to update the surface texture we  have to destroy it first then re-add it                     @Override                     public void onUpdated(Preview.PreviewOutput output) {                         ViewGroup parent = (ViewGroup) textureView.getParent();                         parent.removeView(textureView);                         parent.addView(textureView, 0);                          textureView.setSurfaceTexture(output.getSurfaceTexture());                         updateTransform();                     }                 });           ImageCaptureConfig imgCConfig = new ImageCaptureConfig.Builder().setCaptureMode(ImageCapture.CaptureMode.MIN_LATENCY)                 .setTargetRotation(getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay().getRotation()).build();         final ImageCapture imgCap = new ImageCapture(imgCConfig);           btnCapture.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {             @Override             public void onClick(View v) {                 ContextWrapper contextWrapper = new ContextWrapper(CameraActivity.this);                 String path = contextWrapper.getFilesDir().getPath();                 File file = new File(path + "/" + System.currentTimeMillis() + ".jpg");                 imgCap.takePicture(file, new ImageCapture.OnImageSavedListener() {                     @Override                     public void onImageSaved(@NonNull File file) {                         String msg = "Photo capture succeeded: " + file.getAbsolutePath();                         Toast.makeText(getBaseContext(), msg, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();                     }                      @Override                     public void onError(@NonNull ImageCapture.UseCaseError useCaseError, @NonNull String message, @Nullable Throwable cause) {                         String msg = "Photo capture failed: " + message;                         Toast.makeText(getBaseContext(), msg, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();                         if (cause != null) {                             cause.printStackTrace();                         }                     }                 });             }         });          /* image analyser */          ImageAnalysisConfig imgAConfig = new ImageAnalysisConfig.Builder().setImageReaderMode(ImageAnalysis.ImageReaderMode.ACQUIRE_LATEST_IMAGE).build();         ImageAnalysis analysis = new ImageAnalysis(imgAConfig);          analysis.setAnalyzer(                 new ImageAnalysis.Analyzer() {                     @Override                     public void analyze(ImageProxy image, int rotationDegrees) {                         //y'all can add code to analyse stuff here idek go wild.                     }                 });          //bind to lifecycle:         CameraX.bindToLifecycle((LifecycleOwner) this, analysis, imgCap, preview);     }      private void updateTransform() {         //compensates the changes in orientation for the viewfinder, bc the rest of the layout stays in portrait mode.         //methinks :thonk:         Matrix mx = new Matrix();         float w = textureView.getMeasuredWidth();         float h = textureView.getMeasuredHeight();          float cX = w / 2f; //calc centre of the viewfinder         float cY = h / 2f;          int rotationDgr;         int rotation = (int) textureView.getRotation(); //cast to int bc switches don't like floats          switch (rotation) { //correct output to account for display rotation             case Surface.ROTATION_0:                 rotationDgr = 0;                 break;             case Surface.ROTATION_90:                 rotationDgr = 90;                 break;             case Surface.ROTATION_180:                 rotationDgr = 180;                 break;             case Surface.ROTATION_270:                 rotationDgr = 270;                 break;             default:                 return;         }          mx.postRotate((float) rotationDgr, cX, cY);         textureView.setTransform(mx); //apply transformations to textureview     } } 
like image 634
talha06 Avatar asked Jul 14 '19 17:07


1 Answers

Solved the issue for me.

build.gradle (app level)

//Adding dependency

implementation 'androidx.core:core:1.5.0-alpha04' 
like image 72
Shomu Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 08:10
