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Calling scalar function from c# using Entity Framework 4.0 / .edmx


I would like to map my scalar function to my .edmx but it fails. I right click on my entity framework mapping, and choose update model from database. It appears in my stored procedures folder in my model browser.

However, when I want to add it to my Function Imports folder in the model browser, the message scalar function does not appear shows in the drop down list. Can someone help me?

I can call the scalar function using the old way, such as:

dbContext.ExecuteStoreQuery<DateTime?>( "SELECT dbo.getMinActualLoadDate ({0}, {1}, {2}) AS MyResult",  LoadPkid, LoadFkStartLoc, TripSheetPkid).First(); 

but it is not the best way. My manager would like me to find a way be able to put the scalar function in the "function import" folder so I can call the scalar function using the following code instead of the previous code:

dbContext.ExecuteFunction("getMinActualLoadDate ", paramList); 

I tried to add an image to display what I mean but as my reputation is still low, I am unable to do so. However the image could be found here: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/adodotnetentityframework/thread/756865e5-ff25-4f5f-aad8-fed9d741c05d


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jay Avatar asked Jan 16 '13 21:01


People also ask

How do you call a scalar valued function?

Scalar-valued functions can be executed by using the EXECUTE statement. If you EXECUTE a function rather than use it in a SELECT statement or constraint, you can leave out the schema name in the function name, and it will look in the dbo schema followed by the users default schema.

How do you call a scalar valued function in C#?

You still use a select command, select the scalar value, i.e. "select 1", and you get back a DataTable with 1 row & 1 column. It would be better to use ExecuteReader () if you just iterate over the results. Also, for scalars you can use ExecuteScalar () on your SqlCommand object.

Can we call function from C#?

We can execute a function in C# using a SqlCommand object and passing a SQL defined function in a SELECT SQL query.

2 Answers

I've encountered same problem. And here is solution I've found my self suitable enough (tested in EF5, but should also work in EF4):

There is no support of mapping scalar-value functions out of the box but you can execute them directly.

You can also edit edmx file to make edmx generate proper method for scalar-value function, but it ll be deleted if you ll synch you model with database.

Write scalar-valued function implementation yourself:

string sqlQuery = "SELECT [dbo].[CountMeals] ({0})"; Object[] parameters = { 1 }; int activityCount = db.Database.SqlQuery<int>(sqlQuery, parameters).FirstOrDefault(); 

Or edit edmx and add Xml for custom maping of scalar-valued function:

<Function Name="CountActivities" Aggregate="false" BuiltIn="false"    NiladicFunction="false" IsComposable="false"   ParameterTypeSemantics="AllowImplicitConversion" Schema="dbo">     <CommandText>         SELECT [dbo].[CountActivities] (@personId)     </CommandText>     <Parameter Name="personId" Type="int" Mode="In" /> </Function> 

This information was found in this blog post

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Pavel Luzhetskiy Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 10:09

Pavel Luzhetskiy

Here is my solution to this issue, which is almost exactly what your manager was asking for.. albeit 18 months late.

As an vanilla method:

    /// <summary>     /// Calls a given Sql function and returns a singular value     /// </summary>     /// <param name="db">Current DbContext instance</param>     /// <typeparam name="T">CLR Type</typeparam>     /// <param name="sql">Sql function</param>     /// <param name="parameters">Sql function parameters</param>     /// <param name="schema">Owning schema</param>     /// <returns>Value of T</returns>     public T SqlScalarResult<T>(DbContext db,                                  string sql,                                  SqlParameter[] parameters,                                 string schema = "dbo") {          if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sql)) {             throw new ArgumentException("function");         }          if (parameters == null || parameters.Length == 0) {             throw new ArgumentException("parameters");         }          if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(schema)) {             throw new ArgumentException("schema");         }          string cmdText =             $@"SELECT {schema}.{sql}({string.Join(",",                 parameters.Select(p => "@" + p.ParameterName).ToList())});";          // ReSharper disable once CoVariantArrayConversion         return db.Database.SqlQuery<T>(cmdText, parameters).FirstOrDefault();      }  } 

And as an extension method to EF:

namespace System.Data.Entity {      public static class DatabaseExtensions {          /// <summary>         /// Calls a given Sql function and returns a singular value         /// </summary>         /// <param name="db">Current DbContext instance</param>         /// <typeparam name="T">CLR Type</typeparam>         /// <param name="sql">Sql function</param>         /// <param name="parameters">Sql function parameters</param>         /// <param name="schema">Owning schema</param>         /// <returns>Value of T</returns>         public static T SqlScalarResult<T>(this Database db,                                             string sql,                                             SqlParameter[] parameters,                                            string schema = "dbo") {              if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sql)) {                 throw new ArgumentException("sql");             }              if (parameters == null || parameters.Length == 0) {                 throw new ArgumentException("parameters");             }              if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(schema)) {                 throw new ArgumentException("schema");             }              string cmdText =                 $@"SELECT {schema}.{sql}({string.Join(",",                      parameters.Select(p => "@" + p.ParameterName).ToList())});";              // ReSharper disable once CoVariantArrayConversion             return db.SqlQuery<T>(cmdText, parameters).FirstOrDefault();          }      }  } 

Though it doesn't smoke here, I would suggest unit testing before any serious use.

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dperish Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 10:09
