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Calling Parent Function with the Same Signature/Name

A and B have function with the same signature -- let's assume : foo($arg) -- and that class A extends B.

Now I have an instance:

$a = new A();


Can I also run the parent's (B's) foo() function through $a or was it overridden?

Thanks! Nimi

like image 203
Nimi Avatar asked Nov 16 '11 08:11


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2 Answers

It is overridden but if you want to use both you can do this:

function parentFoo($arg)
    return parent::foo($arg);

If you want that the child function calls the parent function do this:

function foo($arg)
    $result = parent::foo($arg);
    // Do whatever you want

See this URL for more information: http://php.net/manual/en/keyword.parent.php

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Niels Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 18:09


. is the string concatenation operator in PHP. To call methods, use ->.

To call an overridden method, use parent::method()

class B {
  public function foo($data) {
    echo 'B';

class A extends B{
  public function foo($data) {
    echo 'A';

$a = new A();
$a->foo($data); // BA
$b = new B();
$b->foo($data); // B
like image 28
knittl Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 18:09
