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Calling one action from another action creator


I'm working on a Redux app in which many filter components can change the nature of a search to be performed. Any time the state of one of those filter components changes, I want to re-run a search action. I can't seem to call the search action from each of the filter components correctly, however.

Here's the main search action:

// actions/search.js import fetch from 'isomorphic-fetch'; import config from '../../server/config';  export const receiveSearchResults = (results) => ({   type: 'RECEIVE_SEARCH_RESULTS', results })  export const searchRequestFailed = () => ({   type: 'SEARCH_REQUEST_FAILED' })  export const fetchSearchResults = () => {   return (dispatch, getState) => {     // Generate the query url     const query = getSearchQuery();  // returns a url string     return fetch(query)       .then(response => response.json()         .then(json => ({           status: response.status,           json         })       ))       .then(({ status, json }) => {         if (status >= 400) dispatch(searchRequestFailed())         else dispatch(receiveSearchResults(json))       }, err => { dispatch(searchRequestFailed()) })   } } 

fetchSearchResults works fine when I call it from connected React components. However, I can't call that method from the following action creator (this is one of the filter action creators):

// actions/use-types.js import fetchSearchResults from './search';  export const toggleUseTypes = (use) => {   return (dispatch) => {     dispatch({type: 'TOGGLE_USE_TYPES', use: use})     fetchSearchResults()   } } 

Running this yields: Uncaught TypeError: (0 , _search2.default) is not a function. The same happens when I run dispatch(fetchSearchResults()) inside toggleUseTypes.

How can I resolve this problem and call the fetchSearchResults method from the actions/use-types.js action?

like image 786
duhaime Avatar asked Jan 02 '18 20:01


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1 Answers

I see 2 errors:

  1. You're importing the fetchSearchResults function incorrectly.

    This is where the TypeError _search2.default is coming from:

    Uncaught TypeError: (0 , _search2.default) is not a function 
  2. You're dispatching the fetchSearchResults action/thunk incorrectly

Error 1: Incorrect import

// This won't work. fetchSearchResults is not the default export import fetchSearchResults from './search'; // Use named import, instead. import {fetchSearchResults} from './search'; 

Error 2: Incorrect action usage

// This won't work, it's just a call to a function that returns a function fetchSearchResults() // This will work. Dispatching the thunk dispatch(fetchSearchResults()) 
like image 57
Cory Danielson Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 15:10

Cory Danielson