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Calling method from constructor


Excuse any minor syntax errors or whatnot, I'm experiencing this with a Jitsi module and not being super familiar with Java want to confirm what is going on and why and how it should be fixed.

 public abstract class A {   public A()   {     this.load();   }    protected void load()   {    } }  public class B extends A {   private String testString = null;     public B()   {     super();   }    @Override   protected void load()   {     testString = "test";   } } 

The application is doing this when creating an instance of the class B using a load class by name method:

  • Calls overridden load() in class B
  • Initializes variables (calls "private string testString = null" according to debugger), nulling them out.

Is this expected Java behavior? What could cause this? It's a Java 1.6 application running on the 1.7 JDK.

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StrangeWill Avatar asked Aug 09 '13 00:08


2 Answers

Is this expected Java behavior?


What could cause this?

Your invocation of non-final overridden method in non-final super class constructor.

Let's see what happens step-by-step:

  • You create an instance of B.
  • B() calls super class constructor - A(), to initialize the super class members.
  • A() now invokes a non-final method which is overridden in B class, as a part of initialization.
  • Since the instance in the context is of B class, the method load() invoked is of B class.
  • load() initializes the B class instance field - testString.
  • The super class constructor finishes job, and returns (Assuming chaining of constructor till Object class have been finished)
  • The B() constructor starts executing further, initializing it's own member.
  • Now, as a part of initilization process, B overwrites the previous written value in testString, and re-initializes it to null.

Moral: Never call a non-final public method of a non-final class in it's constructor.

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Rohit Jain Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 20:11

Rohit Jain

This is a common problem-pattern with initialization-on-construction, and can frequently be found in infrastructure code & home-made DAOs.

The assignment to 'null' is unneeded & can be removed.

If that's not enough as a quick patch, then: Move all the post-construction init to a separate method, and wrap it all in a "static method" pseudo-constructor.

And if you're doing DAO stuff, it's really good to distinguish between "load" and "create", since these are completely different instantiations. Define separate "static constructor" methods & perhaps separate internal inits, for these.

abstract public class A {     protected void initAfterCreate() {} }  public class B {      @Override     protected void initAfterCreate() {         this.testString = "test";     }      // static constructors;     //     --             static public B createB() {         B result = new B();         result.initAfterCreate();     } } 

Demonstrating load/create separation for a DAO:

public class Order {     protected int id;     protected boolean dbExists;      static public load (int id) {         Order result = new Order( id, true);         // populate from SQL query..         return result;     }     static public create() {         // allocate a key.         int id = KeyAlloc.allocate( "Order");         Order result = new Order( id, false);     }      // internal constructor;  not for external access.     //     protected Order (int id, boolean dbExists) {         this.id = id;         this.dbExists = dbExists;     } } 
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Thomas W Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 20:11

Thomas W