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Calling Main( ) from another class

I have a class named TestMaze. I have another class named DisplayHome which has a method called gameOver():

public void gameOver()
        Console.Write("GAME OVER!");
        Console.Write("Play Again? Y/N");

How can I call the Main method?
PS. they have the same namespace. I just need to know how can I call the Main method again.

like image 827
Reinan Contawi Avatar asked Dec 28 '22 17:12

Reinan Contawi

2 Answers

You should have a Play() method inside your Main... and GameOver() should call Play() if user enters 'y'.

like image 169
c0deNinja Avatar answered Jan 13 '23 12:01


Refactor your code. Move whatever needs to be called into another function, and call it from both, main, and gameOver.

like image 24
K Mehta Avatar answered Jan 13 '23 12:01

K Mehta