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Calling getItem() on DynamoDB object from AWS Lambda, why doesn't my callback execute?

I'm trying to get an item from my DynamoDB database. The way my code is presently written, I fail to retrieve any data from DynamoDB. I must be doing something wrong, because as far as I can tell from my test, my callback is not being called.

I spent all day on this yesterday and have been tinkering with it unsuccessfully since I woke up this morning.

If anyone can provide insight into what I'm doing wrong here, I would be very grateful. Thanks to everyone in advance!

Final note: The timeout on the Lambda function itself is set to 5 minutes. So I don't think the Lambda function is timing out before the db query can return. When I run the function, it exits after only a moment.

const AWS = require('aws-sdk');

const dynamodb = new AWS.DynamoDB();
var response = null;
var test = false;

function getFromDB(callback) {
  const params = {
    TableName: process.env['DB_TABLE_NAME'] // evaluates to 'test-table',
    Key: {
      "id": {
        S: postId // evaluates to a big string, pulling it in from an SNS message. Verified it with console.log(). It stores the expected value.
  dynamodb.getItem(params, function(err, data) {
    if (err) callback(data, true);           // an error occurred
    else     callback(data, true);           // successful response

getFromDB((data, isCalled) => {
    response = data;
    test = isCalled;

console.log(data); // evaluates to null
console.log(test); // evaluates to false
like image 561
Kevin Glick Avatar asked Mar 07 '23 10:03

Kevin Glick

2 Answers

I Had faced similar issue. I removed async in the statement below to resolve :

exports.handler = async (event,context) 
like image 199
fundoocoder Avatar answered Mar 09 '23 23:03


I think what's going on is Lambda calls the function, but it's not going to wait for the call back, so it thinks it is done and exits.

I think I had a similar problem and resolved it by using Bluebird and async/await.

I can provide a snippet from my code if you need it

like image 34
Hassan Syyid Avatar answered Mar 10 '23 00:03

Hassan Syyid