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Calling Clojure higher-order functions

If I define a function that returns a function like this:

(defn add-n
  (fn [x] (+ x n)))

I can then assign the result to a symbol:

(def add-1 (add-n 1))

and call it:

(add-1 41)
;=> 42

How do I call the result of (add-n 1) without assigning it to a new symbol? The following produces this output:

(println (add-n 1))
#<user$add_n$fn__33 user$add_n$fn__33@e9ac0f5>

The #<user$add_n$fn__33 user$add_n$fn__33@e9ac0f5> is an internal reference to the generated function.

like image 974
Ralph Avatar asked May 15 '11 13:05


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First Class Functions They can be assigned as values, passed into functions, and returned from functions. It's common to see function definitions in Clojure using defn like (defn foo … ​) . However, this is just syntactic sugar for (def foo (fn … ​)) fn returns a function object.

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1 Answers


(println ((add-n 1) 41))

The output you saw is a function definition. Putting it between round brackets and adding a parameter is enough to call it.

like image 56
Maurits Rijk Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 21:09

Maurits Rijk