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Calling class methods within jQuery function

So I have some javascript class and in one method I use jQuery to bind function to click event. And within this function I need to call other methods of this class. In usual js function I did it through "this.method_name()", but here, I guess, jQuery redefines "this" pointer.

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Tyth Avatar asked Jul 29 '10 16:07


People also ask

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Calling a JavaScript library function is quite easy. You need to use the script tag. As almost everything we do when using jQuery reads or manipulates the document object model (DOM), we need to make sure that we start adding events etc. as soon as the DOM is ready.

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2 Answers

jQuery doesn't redefine the this pointer, but that's how JavaScript functions work in general. Store a reference to the this pointer under a different name, and use that.

var self = this;
$("selector").click(function() {

See this answer for more approaches.

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Anurag Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 02:10


There are a few different ways to do this.

Anurag has a perfect example of one.

Two other ways are the jQuery Proxy class (Mentioned in other answers) and the 'apply' function

Now lets create an object with click events:

var MyObj = function(){

this.property1 = "StringProp";

// jQuery Proxy Function

  //Will alert "StringProp"
// set the 'this' object in the function to the MyObj instance


//Apply Function
//args are optional
this.clickFunction = function(arg1){

$(".selector").click(this.clickFunction.apply(this,"this is optional"));

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CPettit Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 02:10
