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Calling an activity inside a android library module

I have an android library module and I'm trying to start an activity like

 Intent intent = new Intent(mContext, DetailsScreen.class);

I'm making above request inside the module and I have referenced the module in app gradle file like compile project(':myModule')

Also i have defined activity in Manifest file of both app module and in myModule like

            android:name="com.test.mymodule.DetailsScreen" >
                <action android:name="com.test.mymodule.DetailsScreen" />
                <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />

But the activity which opens is an blank activity.

Can some one kindly explain me what's wrong I'm doing ?.

Thanks in advance :) :)

like image 906
Beginner Avatar asked Feb 19 '16 14:02


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2 Answers

you should mention only your library activity in app manifest. like how we include for facebook or other sdk activities. and start the activity with intent from your app. just try with removing activities from manifest. include only on app module.(package must be from library's )

like image 54
Sree Reddy Menon Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 00:10

Sree Reddy Menon

This ans is copied from siddhesh

We can use reflection to get class object.


Add this code in Library project to call,

try {
      Intent myIntent = new Intent(this,Class.forName("com.mypackage.myMainActivity"));
      startActivity(myIntent );
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {

"com.mypackage.myMainActivity" is the Activity present in Main project, that we need to call from its Library project.

like image 45
Teja Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 00:10
