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Calling a julia function from jupyter notebook (import Julia jupyter notebook)

With Python I can reuse another Jupyter notebook by importing it directly to a new one as a module (here in Anaconda) or using nbpackage.

Can this be done with Julia Jupyter notebooks? How to import functions from one notebook into another?

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sophros Avatar asked Apr 08 '20 17:04


People also ask

Can we run Julia in Jupyter notebook?

After installing the necessary packages for your purposes, you can experience the high-performance Julia language in Jupyter notebook.

How do I open Jupyter notebook from Julia terminal?

SCRIPTDIR in Julia to find out where Conda installed jupyter . A "dashboard" window like this should open in your web browser. Click on the New button and choose the Julia option to start a new "notebook". A notebook will combine code, computed results, formatted text, and images, just as in IPython.

1 Answers

The solution is to use NBInclude.jl package:

using NBInclude

This construct is analogous to having the code from notebook stored in a some.jl file and included as typical:


Please note that there are different scoping considerations at play depending on the version of Julia you use (1.0 or 0.6). Please refer to the documentation.

Installation via:

using Pkg

or REPL / ] (package management mode):

add NBInclude
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sophros Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 18:10
