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Calling a constructor to reinitialize variables doesn't seem to work?

I wanted to run 1,000 iterations of a program, so set a counter for 1000 in main. I needed to reinitialize various variables after each iteration, and since the class constructor had all the initializations already written out - I decided to call that after each iteration, with the result of each iteration being stored in a variable in main.

However, when I called the constructor, it had no effect...it took me a while to figure out - but it didn't reinitialize anything!

I created a function exactly like the constructor - so the object would have its own version. When I called that, it reinitialized everything as I expected.

int main()
 Class MyClass()

 int counter = 0;

 while ( counter < 1000 )
 { stuff happens }

 Class(); // This is how I tried to call the constructor initially.
          // After doing some reading here, I tried:
          // Class::Class(); 
          // - but that didn't work either 
 /* Later I used...
 MyClass.function_like_my_constructor; // this worked perfectly

...Could someone try to explain why what I did was wrong, or didn't work, or was silly or what have you? I mean - mentally, I just figured - crap, I can call this constructor and have all this stuff reinitialized. Are constructors (ideally) ONLY called when an object is created?

like image 851
Azoreo Avatar asked Mar 27 '10 20:03


People also ask

Can a constructor initialize variables to their defaults?

If you declare a static variable in a class, if you haven't initialized it, just like with instance variables compiler initializes these with default values in the default constructor. Yes, you can also initialize these values using the constructor.

Can you reinitialize an object C++?

You can certainly create a reset member function to reset the objects state to its initial values.

Should I initialize in constructor?

I recommend initializing variables in constructors. That's why they exist: to ensure your objects are constructed (initialized) properly. Either way will work, and it's a matter of style, but I prefer constructors for member initialization.

Do you have to initialize all variables in constructor?

You should always initialize native variables, especially if they are class member variables. Class variables, on the other hand, should have a constructor defined that will initialize its state properly, so you do not always have to initialize them.

1 Answers

Your line Class(); does call the constructor of the class Class, but it calls it in order to create a "temporary object". Since you don't use that temporary object, the line has no useful effect.

Temporary objects (usually) disappear at the end of the expression in which they appear. They're useful for passing as function parameters, or initializing other objects. It's almost never useful to just create one in a statement alone. The language allows it as a valid expression, it's just that for most classes it doesn't do very much.

There is no way in C++ to call a constructor on an object which has already been constructed. The lifecycle of a C++ object is one construction, and one destruction. That's just how it works. If you want to reset an object during its life, you've done the right thing, which is to call a function to reset it. Depending on your class you might not need to write one - the default assignment operator might do exactly what you need. That's when a temporary can come in handy:

Class myObject;
// ... do some stuff to myObject ...

myObject = Class();

This updates myObject with the values from the freshly-constructed temporary. It's not necessarily the most efficient possible code, since it creates a temporary, then copies, then destroys the temporary, rather than just setting the fields to their initial values. But unless your class is huge, it's unlikely that doing all that 1000 times will take a noticeable amount of time.

Another option is just to use a brand new object for each iteration:

int main() {
    int counter = 0;
    while (counter < 1000) {
        Class myObject;
        // stuff happens, each iteration has a brand new object

Note that Class MyClass(); does not define an object of type Class, called MyClass, and construct it with no parameters. It declares a function called MyClass, which takes no parameters and which returns an object of type Class. Presumably in your real code, the constructor has one or more parameters.

like image 181
Steve Jessop Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 00:10

Steve Jessop