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Call to undefined function Project\Http\Controllers\array_sort()

I tried to use the helper function array_sort(), but it returns an undefined function error. Please see my code below.



I've created helpers.php by the way. Maybe it affects the functionality. But didn't override the array_sort(), and also I didn't put namespace on it.


I'm using laravel 7.

like image 670
Jie Avatar asked Dec 22 '22 17:12


1 Answers

You can't use string and array helpers from Laravel 6. laravel 6 removed helpers function from repo. You can use Illuminate\Support\Arr classes for helpers.

use Illuminate\Support\Arr;


If you want to use helpers functions as array_sort then you need to install new composer package with following command :

composer require laravel/helpers

Then you can access :

like image 119
sta Avatar answered Jan 30 '23 13:01
