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Calculating Great-Circle Distance with SQLite

Here is my problem, I have a SQLite table with locations and latitudes / longitudes. Basically I need to:

SELECT location, HAVERSINE(lat, lon) AS distance FROM location ORDER BY distance ASC;

HAVERSINE() is a PHP function that should return the Great-Circle Distance (in miles or km) given a pair of latitude and longitude values. One of these pairs should be provided by PHP and the other pair should be provided by each latitude / longitude row available in the locations table.

Since SQLite doesn't has any Geo Spatial extension (AFAIK SpatiaLite exists but still...) I'm guessing the best approach would be to use a custom function with either one of the PDO methods:

  • PDO::sqliteCreateFunction()
  • PDO::sqliteCreateAggregate()

I think for this case PDO::sqliteCreateFunction() would be enough, however my limited experience with this function can be reduced to usage cases similar to the one provided in the PHP Manual:

$db = new PDO('sqlite:geo.db');

function md5_and_reverse($string) { return strrev(md5($string)); }

$db->sqliteCreateFunction('md5rev', 'md5_and_reverse', 1);
$rows = $db->query('SELECT md5rev(filename) FROM files')->fetchAll();

I'm having some trouble figuring out how can I get an SQLite user defined function to process data from PHP and table data at the same time and I would appreciate if someone could help me solve this problem while also understanding SQLite UDFs (a big win of SQLite IMO) a little bit better.

Thanks in advance!

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Alix Axel Avatar asked Jan 17 '10 23:01

Alix Axel

People also ask

How do you calculate great circle distance?

The great circle formula is given by: d = rcos-1[cos a cos b cos(x-y) + sin a sin b]. Given: r = 4.7 km or 4700 m, a, b= 45°, 32° and x, y = 24°,17°.

How do you calculate distance using latitude?

If you treat the Earth as a sphere with a circumference of 25,000 miles, then one degree of latitude is 25,000/360 = 69.44 miles. A minute is thus 69.44/60 = 1.157 miles, and a second is 1.15/60 = 0.0193 miles, or about 101 feet.

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Heres is MySQL query and function which use to get distance between two latitude and longitude and distance will return in KM. SELECT getDistance($lat1,$lng1,$lat2,$lng2) as distance FROM your_table. Almost a decade later, this function gives THE SAME results as Google Maps distance measurement. Thank you!

How can I find the distance between two points using latitude and longitude in php?

php function distance($lat1, $lon1, $lat2, $lon2, $unit) { if (($lat1 == $lat2) && ($lon1 == $lon2)) { return 0; } else { $theta = $lon1 - $lon2; $dist = sin(deg2rad($lat1)) * sin(deg2rad($lat2)) + cos(deg2rad($lat1)) * cos(deg2rad($lat2)) * cos(deg2rad($theta)); $dist = acos($dist); $dist = rad2deg($dist); $miles = $ ...

1 Answers

So far I could only think of this solution:

$db = new PDO('sqlite:geo.db');

$db->sqliteCreateFunction('ACOS', 'acos', 1);
$db->sqliteCreateFunction('COS', 'cos', 1);
$db->sqliteCreateFunction('RADIANS', 'deg2rad', 1);
$db->sqliteCreateFunction('SIN', 'sin', 1);

And then execute the following lengthy query:

SELECT "location",
       (6371 * ACOS(COS(RADIANS($latitude)) * COS(RADIANS("latitude")) * COS(RADIANS("longitude") - RADIANS($longitude)) + SIN(RADIANS($latitude)) * SIN(RADIANS("latitude")))) AS "distance"
FROM "locations"
HAVING "distance" < $distance
ORDER BY "distance" ASC

If anyone can think of a better solution please let me know.

I just found this interesting link, I'll try it tomorrow.

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Alix Axel Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 11:09

Alix Axel