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Calculating Cumulative Compounded Returns in Pandas

I have a series of daily percentage returns returns:

2003-03-03         0.0332
2003-03-04         0.0216
2003-03-05         0.0134
2010-12-29         0.0134
2010-12-30         0.0133
2010-12-31        -0.0297

I can calculate a return index by setting the value of the initial value to 1 and using cumprod()

ret_index = (1 + returns).cumprod()

ret_index[0] = 1

which gives me something like this:

2003-03-03         1.0000
2003-03-04         1.0123
2003-03-05         1.1334
2010-12-29         2.3344
2010-12-30         2.3544
2010-12-31         2.3643

So my cumulative compounded percentage return for the whole series is about 236%.

My question: I want to calculate cumulative compound percentage return for each year in the series (2003, 2004...2010).

The only way I can think of doing it is to iterate through my initial series, slice it by year, set the first element to 1, and calculate the return for each year. I would think there is any easier way using datetime (the index is a Datetimeindex) and resampling.

Can anyone help?

like image 246
Windstorm1981 Avatar asked Mar 08 '17 12:03


People also ask

How do you calculate cumulative percentage in pandas?

Cumulative Percentage is calculated by the mathematical formula of dividing the cumulative sum of the column by the mathematical sum of all the values and then multiplying the result by 100. This is also applicable in Pandas Data frames.

How do you calculate compounded return in Python?

compounded = (1 + compounded. shift(1))*(1 + indicator_returns) - 1 . You might need to reassign compounded[1] after it finishes, but this should be faster than iterating over the matrix line-by-line...

How do you calculate cumulative returns?

Cumulative return for the two sub-periods is calculated by multiplying each sub-period's return. Cumulative return = (1+20%)*(1+50%) - 1 = 80%

What is cumulative return?

The cumulative return is the total change in the investment price over a set time—an aggregate return, not an annualized one. Reinvesting the dividends or capital gains of an investment impacts its cumulative return.

3 Answers

For me it return a bit different results, but I think you need groupby:

a = df.add(1).cumprod()
a.Returns.iat[0] = 1
print (a)
2003-03-03  1.000000
2003-03-04  1.055517
2003-03-05  1.069661
2010-12-29  1.083995
2010-12-30  1.098412
2010-12-31  1.065789

def f(x):
    #print (x)
    a = x.add(1).cumprod()
    a.Returns.iat[0] = 1
    return a

print (df.groupby(df.index.year).apply(f))

2003-03-03  1.000000
2003-03-04  1.055517
2003-03-05  1.069661
2010-12-29  1.000000
2010-12-30  1.026878
2010-12-31  0.996380
like image 101
jezrael Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 02:10


I figured it out:

returns_y = ret_index.resample('A-DEC', how='last').pct_change()


2003-12-31       NaN
2004-12-31  0.108821
2005-12-31  0.049118
2006-12-31  0.157945
2007-12-31  0.054937
2008-12-31 -0.369976
2009-12-31  0.264642
2010-12-31  0.150634

If I change my daily series value to start on the 2002-12-30 (the last date for which I have a value I get:

2003-12-31  0.057843
2004-12-31  0.108821
2005-12-31  0.049118
2006-12-31  0.157945
2007-12-31  0.054937
2008-12-31 -0.369976
2009-12-31  0.264642
2010-12-31  0.150634
like image 20
Windstorm1981 Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 02:10


I couldn't get this answer to work returns_y = ret_index.resample('A-DEC', how='last').pct_change()

I think how='last' has been deprecated?

Here is my solution, starting with a dataframe of S&P500 daily returns:

    daily_df['Return'] = (1 + daily_df).cumprod()
    annual_df = pd.DataFrame(daily_df['Return'].resample('A').last().pct_change())



            Daily Return
2002-12-31      0.000489
2003-01-02      0.033200
2003-01-03     -0.000484
2003-01-06      0.022474
2003-01-07     -0.006545
2010-12-27      0.000613
2010-12-28      0.000771
2010-12-29      0.001009
2010-12-30     -0.001508
2010-12-31     -0.000191
[2016 rows x 1 columns]
            Daily Return    Return
2002-12-31      0.000489  1.000489
2003-01-02      0.033200  1.033705
2003-01-03     -0.000484  1.033205
2003-01-06      0.022474  1.056425
2003-01-07     -0.006545  1.049512
                  ...       ...
2010-12-27      0.000613  1.430014
2010-12-28      0.000771  1.431117
2010-12-29      0.001009  1.432561
2010-12-30     -0.001508  1.430401
2010-12-31     -0.000191  1.430128
[2016 rows x 2 columns]
2002-12-31       NaN
2003-12-31  0.263804
2004-12-31  0.089935
2005-12-31  0.030010
2006-12-31  0.136194
2007-12-31  0.035296
2008-12-31 -0.384858
2009-12-31  0.234542
2010-12-31  0.127827
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GEScott71 Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 02:10
