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Calculating and creating percentage column from two columns

I have a df (Apple_farm) and need to calculate a percentage based off values found in two of the columns (Good_apples and Total_apples) and then add the resulting values to a new column within Apple_farm called 'Perc_Good'.

I have tried:

Apple_farm['Perc_Good'] = (Apple_farm['Good_apples'] / Apple_farm['Total_apples']) *100

However this results in this error:

TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'str' and 'str'


Print Apple_farm['Good_apples'] and Print Apple_farm['Total_apples']

Yields a list with numerical values however dividing them seems to result in them being converted to strings?

I have also tried to define a new function:

def percentage(amount, total):
    percent = amount/total*100
    return percent

but are unsure on how to use this.

Any help would be appreciated as I am fairly new to Python and pandas!

like image 734
djhc Avatar asked Mar 31 '16 11:03


People also ask

How do you find the percentage of two columns?

Finding Percentages between two columns is straightforward. You can simply use the column names and the division operator “/” to divide values in one column by another. The result is a list of values that correspond to the result of the division of all the values in the two columns. Let's see an example.

How do you make a column a percentage of another column in Excel?

Right-click the cell and select Format Cells. Choose Percentage and select OK. If you're using Excel Online, select Home, point to Number Format and choose Percentage. Enter the percentage by which you want to reduce the original amount in the second column.

How do you calculate column percentage?

Column percentages are computed by dividing the counts for an individual cell by the total number of counts for the column. A column percent shows the proportion of observations in each row from among those in the column.

1 Answers

I think you need convert string columns to float or int, because their type is string (but looks like numbers):

Apple_farm['Good_apples'] = Apple_farm['Good_apples'].astype(float)
Apple_farm['Total_apples'] = Apple_farm['Total_apples'].astype(float)

Apple_farm['Good_apples'] = Apple_farm['Good_apples'].astype(int)
Apple_farm['Total_apples'] = Apple_farm['Total_apples'].astype(int)


import pandas as pd

Good_apples = ["10", "20", "3", "7", "9"]
Total_apples = ["20", "80", "30", "70", "90"]
d = {"Good_apples": Good_apples, "Total_apples": Total_apples}
Apple_farm = pd.DataFrame(d)
print Apple_farm 
  Good_apples Total_apples
0          10           20
1          20           80
2           3           30
3           7           70
4           9           90

print Apple_farm.dtypes
Good_apples     object
Total_apples    object
dtype: object

print Apple_farm.at[0,'Good_apples']

print type(Apple_farm.at[0,'Good_apples'])
<type 'str'>
Apple_farm['Good_apples'] = Apple_farm['Good_apples'].astype(int)
Apple_farm['Total_apples'] = Apple_farm['Total_apples'].astype(int)

print Apple_farm.dtypes
Good_apples     int32
Total_apples    int32
dtype: object

print Apple_farm.at[0,'Good_apples']

print type(Apple_farm.at[0,'Good_apples'])
<type 'numpy.int32'>
Apple_farm['Perc_Good'] = (Apple_farm['Good_apples'] / Apple_farm['Total_apples']) *100

print Apple_farm
   Good_apples  Total_apples  Perc_Good
0           10            20       50.0
1           20            80       25.0
2            3            30       10.0
3            7            70       10.0
4            9            90       10.0
like image 110
jezrael Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 05:09
