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Calculating (a^b)%MOD




I want to code for calculating the value of pow(a,b)%MOD. I use C++ to code.

But the problem is the value of b can be very large. I know the log(b) time complexity method. But, the value of b might not fit in the data type "long long" of C++. For example b can be 1000000000 th Fibonacci number. Exact calculation of such a big number is itself, not possible (in time limits).

P.S. :

  • pow(a,b) means a*a*a*a*... b times.
  • X % MOD means the remainder obtained on dividing X by MOD.
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Gurpreet Singh Avatar asked Jun 30 '12 07:06

Gurpreet Singh

People also ask

How do you calculate AB mod?

Let's look at how this relates to calculating modulus. As we said, a mod b is simply an expression representing the remainder when we divide a by b. Therefore, if a / b = q remainder r, then a mod b = r.

What does a ≡ b mod m mean?

The first was defined in a previous lecture: a mod b denotes the remainder when we divide a by b. The "mod m" in a ≡ b (mod m) is a note on the side of the equation indicating what we mean when we say "≡" Fact: These two uses of "mod" are quite related: a ≡ b (mod m) if and only if a mod m = b mod m.

What does a ≡ b mod n mean?

For a positive integer n, two integers a and b are said to be congruent modulo n (or a is congruent to b modulo n), if a and b have the same remainder when divided by n (or equivalently if a − b is divisible by n ). It can be expressed as a ≡ b mod n. n is called the modulus.

1 Answers

That's a typical task. Please (or, really, PLEASE!) read about the Euler's totient function.

And then the Euler's theorem.

The thing is you can dramatically reduce a^b to a^(b % phi(MOD)). Yes, you will need some kind of an integer factorization method, but still, no crazy ideas about actually calculating the power needed.

We did such samples by hand in my youth :) Even when the numbers where far beyond 32/64 bit range.

EDIT: Well, you live and learn. In 2008 the result is obtained:

"The totient is the discrete Fourier transform of the gcd: (Schramm (2008))"

So to calculate phi(b) one does not need to know its factors.


And the Carmichael's function is what you need to calculate to get the correct answer for any a, b and MOD.

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Viktor Latypov Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 18:09

Viktor Latypov