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Calculated column in EF Code First

I need to have one column in my database calculated by database as (sum of rows) - (sum of rowsb). I'm using code-first model to create my database.

Here is what I mean:

public class Income {       [Key]       public int UserID { get; set; }       public double inSum { get; set; } }  public class Outcome {       [Key]       public int UserID { get; set; }       public double outSum { get; set; } }  public class FirstTable {       [Key]       public int UserID { get; set; }       public double Sum { get; set; }        // This needs to be calculated by DB as        // ( Select sum(inSum) FROM Income WHERE UserID = this.UserID)        // - (Select sum(outSum) FROM Outcome WHERE UserID = this.UserID) } 

How can I achieve this in EF CodeFirst?

like image 775
CodeDemen Avatar asked Mar 23 '13 09:03


People also ask

How can we specify computed generated column in Entity Framework?

The Entity Framework Core Fluent API HasComputedColumnSql method is used to specify that the property should map to a computed column. The method takes a string indicating the expression used to generate the default value for a database column.

2 Answers

You can create computed columns in your database tables. In the EF model you just annotate the corresponding properties with the DatabaseGenerated attribute:

[DatabaseGenerated(DatabaseGeneratedOption.Computed)] public double Summ { get; private set; }  

Or with fluent mapping:

modelBuilder.Entity<Income>().Property(t => t.Summ)     .HasDatabaseGeneratedOption(DatabaseGeneratedOption.Computed) 

As suggested by Matija Grcic and in a comment, it's a good idea to make the property private set, because you'd probably never want to set it in application code. Entity Framework has no problems with private setters.

Note: For EF .NET Core you should to use ValueGeneratedOnAddOrUpdate because HasDatabaseGeneratedOption doesnt exists, e.g.:

modelBuilder.Entity<Income>().Property(t => t.Summ)     .ValueGeneratedOnAddOrUpdate() 
like image 154
Gert Arnold Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 07:09

Gert Arnold

public string ChargePointText { get; set; }  public class FirstTable  {     [Key]     public int UserID { get; set; }      [DatabaseGenerated(DatabaseGeneratedOption.Computed)]           public string Summ      {         get { return /* do your sum here */ }         private set { /* needed for EF */ }     } } 


  • Bug in EF 4.1 DatabaseGeneratedOption.Computed
  • Calculated Columns in Entity Framework Code First Migrations
  • Working with Computed Columns
like image 34
Matija Grcic Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 07:09

Matija Grcic