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Calculate the greatest distance between any two strings in a group, using Python

My question is how to calculate greatest distance between any two strings that correspond to a certain group. Each line in my file starts with a 'group number' followed by a long string. I want to know, for each group, what the greatest distance between any two strings in a group, for each group. Below is the kind of file I'm working with (the strings have been shortened). Notice the groups aren't necessarily in order, and some of my groups only have one string associated with them, so I would want to just skip over them (Group '3' in the below example):


I want to create something that will create an output that looks something like this:

 Group0 = 0
 Group1 = 1.2
 Group2 = 2.1

 Average = 1.1

This output would be giving me the group number and then the greatest difference for that group. And also the overall average of the greatest difference between all groups (again skipping over the groups with only one string associated with them):

My real file has about 5000 groups, and the strings I'm comparing are ~400 characters long.

I think I could start solving this by looking at this Question, but I'm not sure how to only calculate percent differences for strings in the same group, avoid groups with only one string, and calculate the overall average percent difference for all the groups. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you very much for any ideas!

EDIT: Here are a few truncated lines from the file I'm working with. The 'group' numbers range from 0 to ~ 6000. The string of letters is actually 426 characters long. The file format is [number][a whitespace][string of letters][end of line character]


like image 203
Jen Avatar asked Jan 18 '14 22:01


2 Answers

You could also try to use difflib's SequenceMatcher from the standard library:

>>> import difflib
>>> from itertools import groupby, combinations

>>> def find_max_ratio(lines):
    lines = [row.split() for row in lines]  # the file should already break at each line break
    lines = [(int(row[0]), row[1]) for row in lines]
    lines = groupby(sorted(lines), lambda x: x[0])  # combine strings into their respective groups, sorting them first on int of first element
    group_max = dict()
    for group in lines:
        strings = list(group[1])  # need to convert group[1] from iterator into list
        if len(strings) > 1:  # if the number of strings is 1, then there is nothing to compare the string with in its group
            similarity = 1
            for line1, line2 in combinations(strings, 2):
                s = difflib.SequenceMatcher(None, line1[1], line2[1])  # need to compare second element in each list and exclude the first element (which is the group number)
                similarity = s.ratio() if s.ratio() < similarity else similarity
            group_max[line1[0]] = 1 - similarity  # gives difference ratio
    return group_max

>>> t = open('test.txt')
>>> print find_max_ratio(t)  # it appears that your examples don't have any differences
{'1': 0, '0': 0, '2': 0}

You can then calculate the average as follows:

>>> max_ratios = find_max_ratio(t)
>>> average = sum(max_ratios.values())/float(len(max_ratios))
>>> average
0.0  # there are no differences in your test data above

EDIT: Writing to a file

>>> output = sorted(max_ratios.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)  # sorting by descending ratios
>>> with open('test2.txt', 'w') as f:  # a new file name
>>>     f.write('\n'.join([group + ': ' + str(ratio) for group, ratio in output])
                + '\n\nAverage: ' + str(average))

EDIT 2: Adding minimum difference

You can add the minimum difference into your result (here in the form of a tuple (<max_difference>, <min_difference>) like this:

def find_maxmin_ratios(lines):
    lines = [row.split() for row in lines]  # the file should already break at each line break
    lines = [(int(row[0]), row[1]) for row in lines]
    lines = groupby(sorted(lines), lambda x: x[0])  # combine strings into their respective groups, sorting them first on int of first element
    group_minmax = dict()
    for index, group in lines:
        strings = list(group)  # need to convert group[1] from iterator into list
        if len(strings) > 1:  # if the number of strings is 1, then there is nothing to compare the string with in its group
            max_similarity = 1
            min_similarity = 0
            for line1, line2 in combinations(strings, 2):
                s = difflib.SequenceMatcher(None, line1[1], line2[1])  # need to compare second element in each list and exclude the first element (which is the group number)
                max_similarity = s.ratio() if s.ratio() < max_similarity else max_similarity
                min_similarity = s.ratio() if s.ratio() > min_similarity else min_similarity
            group_minmax[index] = (1 - max_similarity, 1 - min_similarity)  # gives max difference ratio and then min difference ratio
    return group_minmax

Then you can find the respective averages like this:

>>> t = open('test.txt')
>>> maxmin_ratios = find_maxmin_ratios(t)
>>> maxmin_ratios
{'1': (0, 0.0), '0': (0, 0.0), '2': (0, 0.0)}  # again, no differences in your test data
>>> average_max = sum([maxmin[0] for maxmin in maxmin_ratios.values()])/float(len(maxmin_ratios))
>>> average_min = sum([maxmin[1] for maxmin in maxmin_ratios.values()])/float(len(maxmin_ratios))
>>> average_max, average_min
(0.0, 0.0)  # no differences in your test data

Edit 3: Optimization Concerns

Finally, in light of your last comment, I'm not sure if you will be able to optimize this function too much in its present form. If your computer can't handle it, you may need to process smaller chunks of text and then compile the results at the end. difflib doesn't require huge amounts of memory, but it DOES do a LOT of work. Your performance SHOULD be a lot better than mine (depending on your machine) because every line of mine was random. If your lines are more similar than dissimilar, you should do a lot better. Here are the results of cProfile on my machine for the following scenario (3.172 hours total):

- 9700 lines of text
- each line begins with one random number (1 to 10)
- each line has 400 random characters that follow the random number  # if your data is not random, you should do CONSIDERABLY better than this

Note that the majority of the cumtime (the total time for a given function and all functions below it) was spent in difflib, which is outside of your control with the present function. In fact, the rest of the function takes very little time at all.

4581938093 function calls in 11422.852 seconds

   Ordered by: tottime  # the total time spent in a given function, excluding time spent in subfunctions

ncalls  tottime percall cumtime percall filename:lineno(function)
81770876    8579.568    0   9919.636    0   difflib.py:350(find_longest_match)
-724102230  1268.238    0   1268.238    0   {method 'get' of 'dict' objects}
4700900 874.878 0   1143.419    0   difflib.py:306(__chain_b)
9401960 160.366 0   10183.511   0.001   difflib.py:460(get_matching_blocks)
2060343126  141.242 0   141.242 0   {method 'append' of 'list' objects}
1889761800  110.013 0   110.013 0   {method 'setdefault' of 'dict' objects}
81770876    32.433  0   55.41   0   <string>:8(__new__)
130877001   32.061  0   32.061  0   {built-in method  __new__ of type object at 0x1E228030}
81770876    29.773  0   29.773  0   {method 'pop' of 'list' objects}
1   23.259  23.259  11422.852   11422.852   <pyshell#50>:1(find_maxmin_ratios)
49106125    21.45   0   33.218  0   <string>:12(_make)
9401960 20.539  0   10239.234   0.001   difflib.py:636(ratio)
335752019   17.719  0   17.719  0   {len}
9401960 17.607  0   30.829  0   {_functools.reduce}
4700900 16.778  0   49.996  0   {map}
230344786   16.42   0   16.42   0   {method  __contains__' of 'set' objects}
191093877   14.962  0   14.962  0   {method 'add' of 'set' objects}
98214517    13.222  0   13.222  0   difflib.py:658(<lambda>)
4700900 6.428   0   6.428   0   {method 'sort' of 'list' objects}
4700900 5.794   0   5.794   0   {method 'items' of 'dict' objects}
4700900 5.339   0   1148.758    0   difflib.py:261(set_seq2)
4700900 4.333   0   1160.351    0   difflib.py:154(__init__)
4700900 3.83    0   1156.018    0   difflib.py:223(set_seqs)
4700900 3.43    0   3.43    0   difflib.py:235(set_seq1)
9401960 3.162   0   3.162   0   difflib.py:41(_calculate_ratio)
9700    0.003   0   0.003   0   {method 'strip' of 'str' objects}
1   0.003   0.003   0.003   0.003   {sorted}
9700    0.001   0   0.001   0   <pyshell#50>:3(<lambda>)
1   0   0   11422.852   11422.852   <string>:1(<module>)
1   0   0   0   0   {method 'disable' of '_lsprof.Profiler' objects}

If your machine can handle it, I would just run this function and be prepared to wait two or three hours. A LOT is happening here in order to compare these strings character-by-character.

like image 87
15 revs Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 05:10

15 revs

seq_file = open("sequences.txt", 'r')

# make an dict of groups, each group is a list of sequences in that group

groups = {}

for item in seq_file.readlines():
    (group, sequence) = item.split()
        groups[group] = [sequence]

# measure the distance from every seq in a group to every other seq in that group,
# keep a record of the maximum found in each group.  (It doesn't matter that we 
# compare a sequence to itself during this process).

max_distances = {}
for group_num, group_seqs in groups.iteritems():
    greatest_distance = 0
    for seq in group_seqs:
        for other_seq in group_seqs:
            greatest_distance = max(greatest_distance, levenshtein_distance(seq, other_seq))

    max_distances[group_num] = greatest_distance          
    print "max for group %s is %s" % (group_num, greatest_distance)

# Average maximum distance, across the groups

max_distanace_list = max_distances.values()
av_max_dist = float(sum(max_distanace_list)/len(max_distanace_list))

... the link you provided shows how to do levenshtein_distance().

like image 22
GreenAsJade Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 03:10
