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Calculate part of duration that occur in each hour of day

I have a dataframe with start and end times:

  id          start_time            end_time
1  1 2018-09-02 11:13:00 2018-09-02 11:54:00
2  2 2018-09-02 14:34:00 2018-09-02 14:37:00
3  3 2018-09-02 03:00:00 2018-09-02 03:30:00
4  4 2018-09-02 03:49:00 2018-09-02 03:53:00
5  5 2018-09-02 07:05:00 2018-09-02 08:05:00
6  6 2018-09-02 06:44:00 2018-09-02 06:57:00
7  7 2018-09-02 06:04:00 2018-09-02 08:34:00
8  8 2018-09-02 07:51:00 2018-09-02 08:15:00
9  9 2018-09-02 08:16:00 2018-09-02 08:55:00

From such periods, how can I calculate the total number of minutes that occurred in each hour, each day? E.g. if a period started at 9:45 and ended at 10:15, I want to assign 15 minutes to the 9:00 hour and 15 minutes to the 10:00 hour.

Or checking the hour 06 in the data above, that hour is included in two different rows (periods):

6  6 2018-09-02 06:44:00 2018-09-02 06:57:00
7  7 2018-09-02 06:04:00 2018-09-02 08:34:00

In the first row, 13 minutes should be assigned to 06, and in the second row 56 minutes. Thus, a total of 69 minutes for the hour 06 that date.

Expected output from sample data:

  hourOfDay Day        totalMinutes
  <chr>     <chr>      <drtn>      
1 03        2018-09-02  34 mins    
2 06        2018-09-02  69 mins    
3 07        2018-09-02  124 mins    
4 08        2018-09-02  93 mins    
5 11        2018-09-02  41 mins    
6 14        2018-09-02   3 mins

My attempt: I couldn't make it with lubridate, then I found this old question here. I tried to use POSIXct, but the output is correct for some hours and incorrect for another hours. What am I missing here?

df %>% 
  mutate(minutes = difftime(end_time,start_time),
         hourOfDay = format(as.POSIXct(start_time), "%H"),
         Day = format(as.POSIXct(start_time),"%Y-%m-%d")) %>% 
  group_by(hourOfDay, Day) %>% 
  summarize(totalMinutes = sum(minutes))

Wrong output:

  hourOfDay Day        totalMinutes
  <chr>     <chr>      <drtn>      
1 03        2018-09-02  34 mins    
2 06        2018-09-02 163 mins    
3 07        2018-09-02  84 mins    
4 08        2018-09-02  39 mins    
5 11        2018-09-02  41 mins    
6 14        2018-09-02   3 mins

Sample data :

 df <- data.frame(
      id = c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9),
    start_time = c("2018-09-02 11:13:00", "2018-09-02 14:34:00",
                     "2018-09-02 03:00:00", "2018-09-02 03:49:00",
                     "2018-09-02 07:05:00", "2018-09-02 06:44:00", "2018-09-02 06:04:00",
                     "2018-09-02 07:51:00", "2018-09-02 08:16:00"),
    end_time = c("2018-09-02 11:54:00", "2018-09-02 14:37:00",
                   "2018-09-02 03:30:00", "2018-09-02 03:53:00",
                   "2018-09-02 08:05:00", "2018-09-02 06:57:00", "2018-09-02 08:34:00",
                   "2018-09-02 08:15:00", "2018-09-02 08:55:00"))
like image 371
DanG Avatar asked May 28 '20 07:05


People also ask

How do you calculate time duration?

Calculate the duration between two times First, identify the starting and an ending time. The goal is to subtract the starting time from the ending time under the correct conditions. If the times are not already in 24-hour time, convert them to 24-hour time. AM hours are the same in both 12-hour and 24-hour time.

How many hours are in the week?

How Many Hours Are in a Week? There are 168 hours in a week, which is why we use this value in the formula above. Weeks and hours are both units used to measure time.

How do you add time?

To add time, you add the hours together, then you add the minutes together. Because there are only 60 minutes in an hour, you cannot have a time whose minute value is greater than 60. In this case, subtract 60 minutes and add 1 more to the hour.

5 Answers

Here is an alternate solution, similar to Ronak's but without creating a minute-by-minute data-frame.


    df %>%
      mutate(hour = (purrr::map2(hour(start_time), hour(end_time), seq, by = 1))) %>%
      tidyr::unnest(hour)  %>% mutate(minu=case_when(hour(start_time)!=hour & hour(end_time)==hour ~ 1*minute(end_time),
                                 hour(start_time)==hour & hour(end_time)!=hour ~ 60-minute(start_time),
                                 hour(start_time)==hour & hour(end_time)==hour ~ 1*minute(end_time)-1*minute(start_time),
                                 TRUE ~ 60)) %>% group_by(hour) %>% summarise(sum(minu))

# A tibble: 6 x 2
   hour `sum(minu)`
  <dbl>       <dbl>
1     3          34
2     6          69
3     7         124
4     8          93
5    11          41
6    14           3
like image 63
otwtm Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 05:10


Not the best solution since it expands the data but I think it works :


df %>%
  mutate_at(-1, ymd_hms) %>%
  mutate(time = purrr::map2(start_time, end_time, seq, by = 'min')) %>%
  tidyr::unnest(time) %>%
  mutate(hour = hour(time), date = as.Date(time)) %>%
  count(date, hour)

# A tibble: 6 x 3
#  date        hour     n
#  <date>     <int> <int>
#1 2018-09-02     3    36
#2 2018-09-02     6    70
#3 2018-09-02     7   124
#4 2018-09-02     8    97
#5 2018-09-02    11    42
#6 2018-09-02    14     4

We create a sequence from start_time to end_time with 1 minute intervals, extract hours and count occurrence of for each date and hour.

like image 30
Ronak Shah Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 06:10

Ronak Shah

A data.table / lubridate alternative.



df[ , ceil_start := ceiling_date(start_time, "hour")]

d = df[ , {
  if(ceil_start > end_time){
    .SD[ , .(start_time, dur = as.double(end_time - start_time, units = "mins"))]
  } else {
    time <- c(start_time,
              seq(from = ceil_start, to = floor_date(end_time, "hour"), by = "hour"),
    .(start = head(time, -1), dur = `units<-`(diff(time), "mins"))
by = id]

setorder(d, start_time)
d[ , .(n_min = sum(dur)), by = .(date = as.Date(start_time), hour(start_time))]

#          date hour n_min
# 1: 2018-09-02    3    34
# 2: 2018-09-02    6    69
# 3: 2018-09-02    7   124
# 4: 2018-09-02    8    93
# 5: 2018-09-02   11    41
# 6: 2018-09-02   14     3


Convert data.frame to data.table (setDT). Round up start times to nearest hour (ceiling_date(start, "hour")).

if the up-rounded time is larger than end time (if(ceil_start > end_time)), select start time and calculate duration for that hour (as.double(end_time - start_time, units = "mins")).

else, create a sequence from the up-rounded start time, to the down-rounded end time, with an hourly increment (seq(from = ceil_start, to = floor_date(end, "hour"), by = "hour")). Concatenate with start and end times. Return all times except the last (head(time, -1)) and calculate difference between time each step in minutes (`units<-`(diff(time), "mins")).

Order data by start time (setorder(d, start_time)). Sum duration by date and hour d[ , .(n_min = sum(dur)), by = .(date = as.Date(start_time), hour(start_time))].

like image 32
Henrik Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 06:10


Here is an option using data.table::foverlaps:

#create a data.table of hourly intervals
hours <- seq(df[, trunc(min(start_time)-60*60, "hours")],
    df[, trunc(max(end_time)+60*60, "hours")], 
    by="1 hour")
hourly <- data.table(start_time=hours[-length(hours)], end_time=hours[-1L], 

#set keys and find overlaps
#and then calculate overlapping minutes
setkeyv(df, cols)
foverlaps(hourly, df, nomatch=0L)[, 
    sum(as.numeric(pmin(end_time, i.end_time) - pmax(start_time, i.start_time))) / 60, 
    .(i.start_time, i.end_time)]


          i.start_time          i.end_time  V1
1: 2018-09-02 02:00:00 2018-09-02 03:00:00   0
2: 2018-09-02 03:00:00 2018-09-02 04:00:00  34
3: 2018-09-02 06:00:00 2018-09-02 07:00:00  69
4: 2018-09-02 07:00:00 2018-09-02 08:00:00 124
5: 2018-09-02 08:00:00 2018-09-02 09:00:00  93
6: 2018-09-02 11:00:00 2018-09-02 12:00:00  41
7: 2018-09-02 14:00:00 2018-09-02 15:00:00   3


df <- data.frame(
    id = c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9),
    start_time = c("2018-09-02 11:13:00", "2018-09-02 14:34:00",
        "2018-09-02 03:00:00", "2018-09-02 03:49:00",
        "2018-09-02 07:05:00", "2018-09-02 06:44:00", "2018-09-02 06:04:00",
        "2018-09-02 07:51:00", "2018-09-02 08:16:00"),
    end_time = c("2018-09-02 11:54:00", "2018-09-02 14:37:00",
        "2018-09-02 03:30:00", "2018-09-02 03:53:00",
        "2018-09-02 08:05:00", "2018-09-02 06:57:00", "2018-09-02 08:34:00",
        "2018-09-02 08:15:00", "2018-09-02 08:55:00"))

cols <- c("start_time", "end_time")
fmt <- "%Y-%m-%d %T"
setDT(df)[, (cols) := lapply(.SD, as.POSIXct, format=fmt), .SDcols=cols]
like image 45
chinsoon12 Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 07:10


Here comes a base R solution, which "reshapes" such lines into a long format whose time interval is not in the same hour.

It uses a helper function doTime that generates time sequences.

This updated version calculates with numeric dates (seconds) and internally uses vapply rather than sapply for sake of performance.

decompDayHours <- function(data) {
  ## convert dates into POSIXct if they're not
  if (!all(sapply(data[c("start_time", "end_time")], class) == "POSIXct")) {
    data[c("start_time", "end_time")] <- 
      lapply(data[c("start_time", "end_time")], as.POSIXct)
  doTime2 <- function(x, date) {
    ## helper function generating time sequences
    xd <- as.double(x) - date
    hf <- floor(xd/3600)
    hs <- `:`(hf[1], hf[2])[-1]*3600
    `attr<-`(mapply(`+`, date, hs), "hours", hf)
  ## Reshape time intervals not in same hour
  M <- do.call(rbind, sapply(1:nrow(data), function(i) {
    h <- vapply(2:3, function(s) as.double(substr(data[i, s], 12, 13)), 0)
    date <- as.double(as.POSIXct(format(data[i, 2], "%F")))
    if (h[1] != h[2]) {
      hr <- c(as.double(data[i, 2]), dt2 <- doTime2(data[i, 2:3], date))
      fh <- attr(dt2, "hours")
      fhs <- fh[1]:fh[2]
      r1 <- t(vapply(seq_along(hr[-1]) - 1, function(j)
        c(id=data[i, 1], start_time=hr[1 + j], 
          end_time=unname(hr[2 + j]), date=date, hour=fhs[j + 1]), c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0)))
            c(id=data[i, 1], start_time=r1[nrow(r1), 3], 
              end_time=as.double(data[i, 3]), date=date, hour=fhs[length(fhs)]))
    } else {
      c(vapply(data[i, ], as.double, 0), date=date, hour=el(h))
  ## calculating difftime
  DF <- cbind.data.frame(M, diff=(M[,3] - M[,2])/60)
  ## aggregating
  res <- aggregate(diff ~ date + hour, DF, sum)
  res <- transform(res, date=as.POSIXct(res$date, origin="1970-01-01"))
  res[order(res$date, res$hour), ]


#         date hour diff
# 1 2018-09-02    3   34
# 2 2018-09-02    6   69
# 3 2018-09-02    7  124
# 4 2018-09-02    8   93
# 5 2018-09-02   11   41
# 6 2018-09-02   14    3

#          date hour diff
# 1  2018-09-02    3   30
# 9  2018-09-02   11   41
# 10 2018-09-02   14    3
# 2  2018-09-03    3    4
# 3  2018-09-03    6   13
# 5  2018-09-03    7   55
# 7  2018-09-03    8    5
# 4  2018-09-04    6   56
# 6  2018-09-04    7   69
# 8  2018-09-04    8   88


I was curious and did a vanilla-benchmark of all solutions so far. Date columns are converted to POSIXct. Not all solutions did scale up to the extended data sets, though.

## df1
# Unit: milliseconds
#         expr        min         lq       mean     median         uq       max neval    cld
#    dplyr.ron  20.022136  20.445664  20.789341  20.566980  20.791374  25.04604   100     e 
#    dplyr.bas 103.827770 104.705059 106.631214 105.461541 108.365255 127.12306   100      f
#    dplyr.otw   8.972915   9.293750   9.623298   9.464182   9.721488  14.28079   100 ab    
# data.tbl.hen   9.258668   9.708603   9.960635   9.872784  10.002138  14.14301   100  b    
# data.tbl.chi  10.053165  10.348614  10.673600  10.553489  10.714481  15.43605   100   c   
#       decomp   8.998939   9.259435   9.372276   9.319774   9.392999  13.13701   100 a     
#   decomp.old  15.567698  15.795918  16.129622  15.896570  16.029114  20.35637   100    d  

## df2
# Unit: milliseconds
#         expr        min         lq       mean     median         uq       max neval   cld
#    dplyr.ron  19.982590  20.411347  20.949345  20.598873  20.895342  27.24736   100    d 
#    dplyr.bas 103.513187 104.958665 109.305938 105.942346 109.538759 253.80958   100     e
#    dplyr.otw         NA         NA         NA         NA         NA        NA    NA    NA
# data.tbl.hen   9.392105   9.708858  10.077967   9.922025  10.121671  15.02859   100 ab   
# data.tbl.chi  11.308439  11.701862  12.089154  11.909543  12.167486  16.46731   100  b   
#       decomp   9.111200   9.317223   9.496347   9.398229   9.574146  13.46945   100 a    
#   decomp.old  15.561829  15.838653  16.163180  16.031282  16.221232  20.41045   100   c  

## df3
# Unit: milliseconds
#         expr         min          lq        mean      median          uq         max neval   cld
#    dplyr.ron   382.32849   385.27367   389.42564   388.21884   392.97421   397.72959     3  b   
#    dplyr.bas 10558.87492 10591.51307 10644.58889 10624.15122 10687.44588 10750.74054     3     e
#    dplyr.otw          NA          NA          NA          NA          NA          NA    NA    NA
# data.tbl.hen          NA          NA          NA          NA          NA          NA    NA    NA
# data.tbl.chi    12.85534    12.91453    17.23170    12.97372    19.41988    25.86605     3 a    
#       decomp   785.81346   795.86114   811.73947   805.90882   824.70247   843.49612     3   c  
#   decomp.old  1564.06747  1592.72370  1614.21763  1621.37992  1639.29271  1657.20550     3    d 


## OP data
df1 <- structure(list(id = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9), start_time = c("2018-09-02 11:13:00", 
"2018-09-02 14:34:00", "2018-09-02 03:00:00", "2018-09-02 03:49:00", 
"2018-09-02 07:05:00", "2018-09-02 06:44:00", "2018-09-02 06:04:00", 
"2018-09-02 07:51:00", "2018-09-02 08:16:00"), end_time = c("2018-09-02 11:54:00", 
"2018-09-02 14:37:00", "2018-09-02 03:30:00", "2018-09-02 03:53:00", 
"2018-09-02 08:05:00", "2018-09-02 06:57:00", "2018-09-02 08:34:00", 
"2018-09-02 08:15:00", "2018-09-02 08:55:00")), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, 

## OP data, modified for alternating dates
df2 <- structure(list(id = 1:9, start_time = c("2018-09-02 11:13:00", 
"2018-09-02 14:34:00", "2018-09-02 03:00:00", "2018-09-03 03:49:00", 
"2018-09-03 07:05:00", "2018-09-03 06:44:00", "2018-09-04 06:04:00", 
"2018-09-04 07:51:00", "2018-09-04 08:16:00"), end_time = c("2018-09-02 11:54:00", 
"2018-09-02 14:37:00", "2018-09-02 03:30:00", "2018-09-03 03:53:00", 
"2018-09-03 08:05:00", "2018-09-03 06:57:00", "2018-09-04 08:34:00", 
"2018-09-04 08:15:00", "2018-09-04 08:55:00")), class = "data.frame", row.names = c("1", 
"2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"))

## df2 sampled to 1k rows
df3 <- df2[sample(1:nrow(df2), 1e3, replace=T), ]

Old version:

# decompDayHours.old <- function(df) {
#   df[c("start_time", "end_time")] <- 
#       lapply(df[c("start_time", "end_time")], as.POSIXct)
#   doTime <- function(x) {
#     ## helper function generating time sequences
#     x <- as.POSIXct(sapply(x, strftime, format="%F %H:00"))
#     seq.POSIXt(x[1], x[2], "hours")[-1]
#   }
#   ## Reshape time intervals not in same hour
#   df.long <- do.call(rbind, lapply(1:nrow(df), function(i) {
#     if (substr(df[i, 2], 12, 13) != substr(df[i, 3], 12, 13)) {
#       tt <- c(df[i, 2], doTime(df[i, 2:3]))
#       r <- lapply(seq_along(tt[-1]) - 1, function(j) 
#         data.frame(id=df[i,1], start_time=tt[1 + j], end_time=tt[2 + j]))
#       rr <- do.call(rbind, r)
#       rbind(rr, data.frame(id=df[i, 1], start_time=rr[nrow(rr), 3], end_time=df[i, 3]))  
#     } else {
#       df[i, ] 
#     }
#   }))
#   ## calculating difftime
#   df.long$diff <- apply(df.long[-1], 1, function(x) abs(difftime(x[1], x[2], units="mins")))
#   ## aggregating
#   with(df.long, aggregate(list(totalMinutes=diff), 
#                           by=list(Day=as.Date(start_time), 
#                                   hourOfDay=substr(start_time, 12, 13)), 
#                           FUN=sum))[c(2, 1, 3)]
# }
like image 32
jay.sf Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 05:10
