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Calculate number of working days in a month [duplicate]


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How do I count working days in a month in Excel?

The formula itself is based on the NETWORKDAYS function, which returns the number of working days between a start date and end date, taking into account holidays (if provided). EOMONTH takes a date and returns the last day of a month. The month itself is controlled by the 2nd argument.

How do I calculate working days in Excel?

How to Calculate Working Days in Excel. The NETWORKDAYS Function[1] calculates the number of workdays between two dates in Excel. When using the function, the number of weekends are automatically excluded. It also allows you to skip specified holidays and only count business days.

Possible Duplicate:
Get number of weekdays in a given month

How to calculate working days of any month? cal_days_in_month returns simply the total number of days in a month. My task is to calculate number of days in month except Saturdays and Sundays or Sundays alone. Any method to find this?